", "About midnight Paul and Silas, in jail, were praying and singing hymns to God. gain by soothsaying: As I mentioned last week, any time that your rights have been violated and you have been mistreated, you are probably looking at a wonderful opportunity for bearing witness of Christ. i. a. The demon knew who God wanted Paul and his team to go to Troas and pick up a doctor named Luke. By rights, Paul could have had their heads if he had taken his case to a higher authority. _for _of a certain woman which was a Jewess, We remember at the end of our study last week there arose a contention Dive Deeper. They elected Franklin Roosevelt, and he and the Democratic Party remade America so thoroughly that it is unthinkable for all but the most doctrinaire libertarians to speak of returning to the system of "ordered liberty" that existed in Hoover's time, a . 19 Now when her masters saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas, and dragged them to the marketplace to face the rulers." (Acts 16:16-19). If Paul wished to maintain his links with the synagogue, he could not be seen to countenance apostasy. (Bruce). i Paul and Silas Imprisoned Th WELCOMED; ATTESTED; IMPRISONED Commentary on Acts 16:35-40 (Read Acts 16:35-40) Paul, though willing to suffer for the cause of Christ, and without any desire to avenge himself, did not choose to depart under the charge of having deserved wrongful punishment, and therefore required to be dismissed in an honourable manner. This was a promise made specifically to the keeper of the prison. Most certainly not! CONTENTS: Paul finds Timothy. Also, Paul and Silas legal rights were violated. When you answered the call of God, you were excited and energized about the possibility of service. b. Pioneer preacher J. W. McGarvey (1829-1911), commenting in his famous "Commentary on Acts" on the apostle Paul's vision of the invitation to go into Macedonia (see Acts 16), made some . , _as we were going to the place of prayer_ (see on They were occult pimps, prostituting her spiritually. A SPIRIT OF DIVINATION CAST OUT BY ST PAUL. No single worker in Gods kingdom is irreplaceable. The magistrates were sufficiently humbled, and the public at large, hearing of this circumstance, must be satisfied of the innocency of the apostles. LIGHTNING SOURCE INC He has a greater purpose that we often do not understand. A *Christian called She followed Paul and us, crying out, These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us a way of salvation! She continued doing this for several days. Ver. Most certainly not! The Gospel in Europe EXORCISM OF A POSSESSED GIRL. This was a big step, perhaps bigger than Paul even knew. At Lystra The demon-possessed girl keeps bothering Paul and his group "for many days" (16:18). The Vision of the Man from Macedonia (Acts 16:9). All I can say here is, when you are treated wrongly, your response should be motivated by the furtherance of Gods glory and the gospel, and by the administration of Gods justice through law and government, which He has appointed for the well being of society. med. He devised the plan of salvation and sovereignly chose certain individuals to salvation before the foundation of the world ( Eph. ii. He pointed this obviously repentant man to faith in Jesus Christ. But Paul wrote Second Corinthians to defend his character and his apostolic ministry. Even in their pain, God was not far from Paul and Silas. A disciple, whose mother was a Jewish Christian and father was Greek 3. i. Jewish legal tradition gave a maximum number of blows that could be delivered when beating a person, but the Romans had no such limit. This should be rendered as in above It is written in the scriptures that no one can please God without faith. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. And he brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? So they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. i. Their response teaches us how to be right when we are wronged. Later, there was a church in Thyatira also, and it was one of the seven churches addressed in Revelation (Revelation 2:18-29). Paul cried, "Do thyself no harm: for we are all here." Biblical Books: Acts 16. The encounter with the spirit of divination: Coming to Derbe and Lystra, where he and Barnabas had been persecuted The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. V. The casing of an evil spirit out of a damsel (v. 16-18). New International Version. If we add the article , see critical note: to the place of Their rights had been violated. You couldn't wait to get where you were going or do what you needed . TIMOTHY WORKS WITH PAUL AND SILAS, 16:1-5 And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city. c. You and your household: This seems to be a specific promise for that Philippian jailer. 23When they had laid many blows on Paul and Silas, they threw them into prison. We note with interest that the Holy Spirit actually forbade Paul to do something we normally think of as good preaching Gods Word to those who need it. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. For Christians, the Old Testament statements are enhanced by multiple verses such as Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:9 and 9:2, and Acts 5:16 that say "heal the sick". 2:20). Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Character of God, Faith, Suffering, Trials, Persecution, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. The term emphasizes His omnipotence and sovereignty. The greatest blessing is His gift of salvation by His free grace. TIPPER CAPACITY, 34" X 40" MAX DIE / MOLD AREA **Loading Fee Due the "ERRA" CARY SPECIALIZED SERVICES, INC. $200.00, prices valid until MARCH 16, 2023 SEE PRICING SPECIFICS** Auction Details BCS AIS - POSTPONED . The Waste Pro Southeast Florida Safety Trainer is responsible for ensuring all operational personnel are trained to company standards. abs._ 16 Paul[ a] came also to Derbe and to Lystra. We may assume here t Acts 16:16. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Acts 16:16-34. ⤓(4) Acts 16:16 to 28:31 (pdf). 2. He was a believer. It is used here because the python was associated with the god Apollonot far from Philippi, in this very area of Europe, there was a shrine to the Pythian Apollo. (Boice). The authorities were full of fear when they learned that Paul was a Roman. Paul asks Timothy to come with him on their journey, preaching the gospel in Asia Minor. Psalm 97 . a. He asked them to say how they would speak to a man injured in battle, who had three minutes to live, how to be saved and come to peace with God. It is very doubtful whether, ac AND IT CAME TO PASS AS WE WENT TO PRAYER,. That is, to the house of It's one of those chapters that you always remember - just the record along of Lydia and her marvelous liberation. ", "When the slave girls masters had brought Paul and Silas to the magistrates, they said, These men, who are Jews, are confusing our city, proclaiming customs which it is not lawful for us Romans to accept or to observe. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. What are some practical steps toward deepening our daily joy in the Lord. We see another reason why the Spirit did not permit them to go into Bithynia. masters much gain by soothsaying"Going to the place of prayer" Ac 16-24 Satan, though the father of lies, will declare the most i. : in R.V., accusative, The Key teachings of Jesus Christ are focused on Faith and Love. before, Paul was favorably impressed with the young man, Timothy, who V. The casing of an evil spirit out of a damsel, ver 16-18. He was well spoken of by the brethren who were at Lystra and Iconium. We are studying the story of Lydia, recorded in Acts 16:11-15 and :40, for Sunday, February 28. Perhaps he even came as Pauls personal doctor. As we come to the 16 th chapter of Acts we are coming, really, to a chapter that is going to, I think, leave an impression on all of us. Their charges were vague, simply accusing Paul and Silas of being troublemakers. . Then they came and pleaded with them and brought them out, and asked them to depart from the city. It was a strange and wonderful church they left behind in Philippi: Lydia, perhaps the slave girl, the jailer and his household, and others. FOR SALE! Commentary on Acts 16:16-34. d. When they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison: After being severely beaten, Paul and Silas were imprisoned in maximum-security conditions (commanding the jailer to keep them securely the inner prison fastened their feet in the stocks). And when she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay. So she persuaded us. Demons cast out of a damsel. And she prevailed upon us. Sermon #7 . Whether this was on the same day Luke relates this history,plainly implies that he considered it as a They tried to make their problem go away quietly by sweeping it under the rug. Because demons are created beings, not gods themselves, we suppose that they cannot read minds, nor actually foretell the future. 16As we were going to prayer, it happened that a certain slave girl met us. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out that very hour. William Carey wanted to go to Polynesia, but God sent him to India. As this story continues through the end of chapter 16, the . 2 The brethren who were at Lystra and Iconium spoke very highly of Timothy. "ACTS OF THE APOSTLES" Chapter Sixteen OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To trace the route of Paul . Full-Time. 40So Paul and Silas went out of the prison, and entered into Lydias house to see and encourage the brethren; then Paul and Silas departed. (Acts 16:38-40). Adoniram Judson went to India, but God guided him to Burma. a. They were biased because of their Jewish appearance, and because they assumed Paul and Silas were not Roman citizens. ), ._ Acts But Paul, greatly annoyed: Paul was greatly annoyed, and he did not appreciate the free advertising from the demon. OUTLINE I. TIMOTHY JOINS PAUL AND SILAS (1-5) A. TIMOTHY'S BACKGROUND (1-3) 1. MUCH PROFIT BY FORTUNE-TELLING. It was not a mere point of honour that the apostle . Our responsibility in such difficult times is to trust and obey Him. ii. Tap a Lookup below to generate a list oflessons. It is wrong to act out of personal vengeance, greed, or other selfish motives. (G3814) DISCOURSE: 1786 3. 3 Paul wanted Timothy to travel with him to . We dont do well when we are wronged. Commentary on the Book of Acts Paul and Silas: Acts 16. by Ed Rickard. which Paul witnessed. When you are wronged, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. (16) "_And it came to pass, This shows how repentant he was and how he followed the example of love shown by Paul and Silas. 5:18). When they had brought them out of the prison, they continued pleading with them to leave the city. 16:7. In light of the economic populism evident in the Progressive-era Social Gospel movement, one might expect religious studies scholars to exhibit some modestly reformist attitudes, but the field is pre-occupied with radical LGBTQ themes. and from thence to Philippi, which is a city of Macedonia, the first Acts chapter 16. (13-15) The conversion of Lydia. The jailer, roused out of sleep, saw the prison doors open. PAUL AND SILAS ARE SEIZED, BROUGHT BEFORE THE But they didnt mention that when they dragged Paul and Silas before the authorities. c. And he rejoiced: This man was carried from suicidal fear to abounding joy in just a few minutes. divin Acts 16:9. a. We Americans have a thing about standing up for our rights. The English, on the other hand, although faced with a more benevolent geography, had a preference for clustering close to the Atlantic seaboard until the eighteenth century; only in the Hudson and Connecticut River valleys, and in parts of the Chesapeake region, did settlement of the interior begin from the outset.50 It is a striking commentary . It is difficult to say exactly how the Holy Spirit said no; it may have been through a word of prophecy, or by an inward speaking of the Holy Spirit, or by circumstances. Acts 16:16-34 Commentary. view of the recent decision of the council. Hollywood, FL. ACTS 16 COMMENTARY. Scriptures: Acts 16:11-15. What should a Christian do when his life has been a poor testimony to those without Christ? And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. First, Paul was concerned for justice for all people, and what these magistrates had done was grossly unjust. apostle Paul. VIII. the place where he was worshipped, (which was afterwards cal 16-18. Acts 16:1 - Timotheus; Acts 16:10 - we Lord had . On the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made: The fact that the Jews of Philippi had no synagogue and met by the river means that there were not many Jewish men in Philippi. And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? In their former They were in, not out, of Gods will. 37But Paul replied with this message for the magistrates: 'They have flogged us publicly, without a trial, men who are Romans, and have cast us into prison. Let them come themselves and release us. " (Acts 16:35-37). So they went out of the prison and entered the house of Lydia; and when they had seen the brethren, they encouraged them and departed. The guard had a remarkable sign an earthquake, but all Lydia had was the move of the Holy Spirit in her heart. The jailer rejoiced greatly, with all his household, having believed in God. (Acts 16:29-34). 16. Acts 16:12. ii. We see His mighty power here in the earthquake that rocked this prison. So Paul and Silas went out of the prison, and entered into Lydias house to see and encourage the brethren; then Paul and Silas departed.". Or, as James wrote, Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (James 1:2-3). pythonem. When you are treated wrongly, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. the article it is clearly to be rendered as in the previous verse. PREACHING ON THE SABBATH AT PHILIPPI. Peter echoes this: But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation (1 Pet. 2 All the believers in Lystra and Iconium said good things about Timothy. 35When it was day, the magistrates sent the police with this message: 'Release those men!' ii. a. Sirs, what must I do be saved? It was based on their knowledge of a good and sovereign God. He did not talk about sacraments or even churches. 1. The believers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him. Luke reported that the group went for prayer, possibly daily. b. 4:4). " 20 When the slave girl's masters had brought Paul and Silas to the magistrates, they said, 'These men, who are Jews, are confusing . | List Paul was careful to speak to demons only in the authority of Jesus Christ, and he spoke beyond the afflicted girl to the demon itself with this authority of Jesus. Intro: Having lost in a fire virtually everything they owned, the Spafford family made new plans, including a move from Chicago to France.Horatio Spafford planned the trip for his wife and four daughters to be as trouble-free as possible. Home And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: In Troas, God made Pauls direction clear. The keeper of the prisonwas about to kill himself: The jailer did this for a good reason. God is sovereign in the task of evangelism. Paul insisted that Titus, a Gentile co-worker, did not have to be circumcised (Galatians 2:3-5). Our trials do not mean that He does not exist or that He is not loving and good. He knew that by making them come and personally apologize and escort them out of prison, word would spread through the community of what had happened. Commentary on Acts 16 16 34. i. Acts 16:16-26. 4:13). ii. Paul would be qualified. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. _AS WE WENT TO PRAYER_] , But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Don't harm yourself: we are all here!", "The jailer called for lights and rushed in to the prison. 15. Verse Acts 16:16. Paul and Silas looked Jewish, and Anti-Jewish sentiment lay very near the surface in pagan antiquity. (Bruce) The objection that these men were Jews is even more interesting knowing the Jewish community in Philippi was small. You can check these in your browser security settings. b. Also, if he wanted to come back again, he knew that they would not prevent him. And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go. We have four men who are under a vow. And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain 3:1). And they went out, &c. The servants of Christ, being honourably cleared from every crime by this public release, left the prison quietly, and went to the house of Lydia With whom they had lodged before; and when they had seen the brethren The disciples whom they had made; they comforted them By rehearsing what God had done both for them and by them, in prison; and . If anyone had a right to be angry, they did. Yet, Paul was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go there. Maybe they thought that the beating and night in prison would send these guys packing, never to return. But few of us know the kind of persecution experienced by those in former or present communist countries, or those in strongly Muslim countries They could more effectively preach from the story in our text than I can. What does Acts 16:16-40 mean? Acts 16:16. ii. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas. The jailer then brought Paul and Silas up into his house, and set food before them. Paul later wrote of his life: In labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often. Let them come themselves and release us.' He must let go of his own separative tendencies and of his deep sense of persecution. Paul, becoming greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her! The demon came out that very hour. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Then he brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house. nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out. , . For all they knew, they would be executed the next day, or left to die a slow death in prison. Paul trusted God to work for His purpose and glory, whether Paul got delivered or whether he died in the process. Paul and Silas in Prison. Peter warns those going through suffering to be on the alert, since the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us in such times (1 Pet. This girl had brought her masters much gain by fortune telling. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. This woman was the first convert in Europe, and one might say that the Macedonian man turned out to be a woman. 17She followed Paul and us, crying out, 'These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us a way of salvation!' . 1 Paul travelled to Derbe and then he arrived in Lystra. (2 Corinthians 11:23), ii. There was certainly nothing wrong with Pauls desire to preach the word in Asia; but it wasnt Gods timing, so this was forbidden by the Holy Spirit. Acts 21:23-26 23So do what we tell you. He started to kill himself. A verse by verse study of Acts 17:1-15. He has a greater purpose that we often do not understand. Overcoming any obstacle that is presented, they go about proclaiming to the world that Jesus died and was raised so that all could Continue reading "Commentary on Acts 16:16-34" And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. In line with that, Pauls action showed the entire city, which would have heard about this incident, the spirit of Jesus Christ. The world should see (or hear) our joy in the Lord from the dungeon and ask, Whats with these people, anyway? Then we tell them. When they had laid many blows on Paul and Silas, they threw them into prison. Acts 16:35-40. secrets, and things to come. Acts 16:12 The Holy Spirit used the courageous praise of Paul and Silas in their terrible adversity. 26Suddenly there was a great earthquake which shook the prison to its foundations. Maybe God didnt mean for us to come to Macedonia. Doug Bratt. 1028-1061. And these disciples expected God to do something! She was possessed by a spirit of divination. iii. _And he came also _for _then came he, _A.V._ _and T.R. usually made. We're also studying 1 Corinthians 1:26-30, an entirely different text, which seems to have been chosen as the capstone of our five weeks of thinking about women in the New Testament. Do they now release us secretly? Some have worried that Pauls invitation to salvation here is too easy, and would promote a too-easy faith or a cheap grace. So Paul and Silas went out of the prison, and entered into Lydias house to see and encourage the brethren; then Paul and Silas departed." If our rights are violated, we dont take it sitting down. It seemed as if nothing would make them stop praising God. In this section of Acts, Paul and Silas are arrested, beaten, and imprisoned for delivering the slave-girl from her demonic possession, and they (Paul and Si. They were assumed guilty without a hearing or trial. The accusing and abusing of Paul and Silas for it, their imprisonment, and the indignities done them (v. 19-24). Acts 16:16-24. Chapter 2Now when the day of Pentecost ( Acts 2:1 )This would be feast day following the Passover, of which Jesus was crucified. He was told, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Non-citizens had no civil rights, and were subject to the whims of both the multitude and the magistrates. TO PRAYER; the place of prayer. A cheerful, joyous spirit does not depend on having wonderful, trouble-free circumstances. professed to divine, that is to reveal things beyond the reach of while Judas and Silas were to confirm them by word of mouth. i. Acts 16:35-40 Magistrates. Increasingly, our religious rights are being violated in the interest of so-called neutrality. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that nude dancing was entitled to considerable legal protection as expressive behavior, but they struck down student elections permitting speech that might be used for prayer prior to high school football games. Why did Paul do that? They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans: Because Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, they had recognized civil rights, which were violated by the Philippian magistrates. This is good advice to anyone contemplating suicide. This sort of treatment effectively terrorizes the population into submission. Acts 16:30-34 What must I do to be Saved? The honourable discharge of Paul and Silas by the magistrates (v. 35-40). It actually says, She had a spirit of Pythona. That does not mean much to most of us, which is why it is not translated literally. b. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. They tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them: After the attempt to go to Asia, Paul sought to go north into Bithynia, but was again prevented by the Holy Spirit. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. The more difficult reading appears to be pu,qwna (74 a A B C* D* 81 There were at least two reasons. Clarke's Commentary. Their singing was not based on their knowledge of a happy outcome. And this she did for many days. i. I am using the wording of 1 Peter 4:19, which is one of two times in the New Testament God is called the Creator (Rom. Prayers and praises unto God at midnight, in the midst of a brutal prison. Many of Gods faithful saints have died for their faith, but like John Hus, who was betrayed and burned at the stake, they die singing. And they came and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city. Acts 16 Bible Study Questions (Handout) ACTS 16:1 1 Then he came to Derbe and Lystra. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bonds were unfastened. The circumstances said, escape. But love said, Stay for the sake of this one soul. They were not guided merely by circumstances, but by what love compelled. And they brought them to the magistrates, and said, These men, being Jews, exceedingly trouble our city; and they teach customs which are not lawful for us, being Romans, to receive or observe. Then the multitude rose up together against them; and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods. Python, in the Greek mythology, was the serpent As you know, a missionary wife and her baby were recently shot to death and the pilot of their plane was badly wounded when a Peruvian air force plane opened fire on them. to set aside Jewish prejudice. CONVERSION AND BAPTISM OF LYDIA. One way or another, Paul and his company got the message. While in this instance, His will was to send a powerful earthquake and free them, it doesnt always work out that way. 32They spoke the word of the Lord to him, and to all who were in his house. Now, they found Timothy gro WE WERE MET BY A SLAVE GIRL. apostles went towards the forementioned place of prayer,. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (ESV) For I delivered to you as of first impo Acts 16:40. whom Paul had baptized, ( Acts 16:14 Acts 16:15 ) . I'll try to post some notes on that . Studying the book of Acts 16; shows a significant summary of the history, time and relevant details according to the bible's acts based onBenson Joseph - Bible Commentary and reading parallely the bible's version Legacy Standard Bible. Strong churches will naturally increase in number daily, without relying on man-centered and manipulative methods. b. as we were going to prayer, there met us a certain female serv And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed That couple was in Peru to serve Jesus Christ. 22The crowd rose up together against them, and the magistrates tore the clothes off Paul and Silas, and commanded them to be beaten with rods. Let them come themselves and get us out. And the officers told these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans. The demonic spirit knows that the presence and power of God is with the missionaries. In Acts 15, Paul argued strongly that it was not necessary for Gentile converts to come under the Law of Moses for salvation (Acts 15:2 and 15:12). . His mother was a Jew who had become a believer in Jesus. At some time you will be falsely accused. A description of Philippi. Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us. The Macedonian man wanted help. Acts 16:13). girl who was demon possessed followed them crying out, "These men are convert in Europe. Paul and Silas beaten. CHAPTER 16 They were whipped and put in the inner prison with chains on their feet. So Paul took Timothy and . her son, had embraced the faith. Paul, beautifully responsive to the Holy Spirit, was willing to lay down his will and his plans for the direction that the Holy Spirit brings. God knows what He is doing when he says, No.. The next time, they would follow the Roman law! We simply know Paul and Silas were severely beaten. a. Development structures variation and, consequently, the ways in which a population can respond to selection (1-4).The direction with the greatest amount of variation is termed the "line of least resistance" (LLR) (5-7).The LLR represents the direction of greatest potential for evolutionary change because it contains the . Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers.Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form . between Paul and Barnabas who had been close companions on the first He drew his sword and was about to kill himself, assuming that the prisoners had escaped.