If you choose to helpJohn, you will be taken to the top of a cliff . Good job. If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthurs grave will be adorned with flowers. With the rest of the gang shocked, Arthur tells the gangs members to choose their side. 20 Years after Newborn Daughters Death, Man Hears, Dad, I Finally Found You Story of the Day, Poor Girl Sells Family Heirloom for Grandmas Operation, Sees It on Her Doorstep Days Later Story of the Day, Young Man Who Never Knew His Parents Pushes Father Away, Learns about His Will Months Later Story of the Day, Man Learns Grandma Owned a $1.3M Mansion While Living in Tiny House and He Is Not Its Inheritor Story of the Day, Man Follows Wife Who Sneaks Out Every Night and Catches Her Visiting a Huge Mansion Story of the Day, 18-Year-Old Dancer Cuts Parents Out of Her $3M Prize After They Urge Her to Get Rid of Her Baby Story of the Day, Everyone Lashes Out at Young Woman for Marrying a Homeless Man until She Becomes a Millionaire Story of the Day, Man Who Hasnt Seen His Old Dad for 17 Years Visits and Sees His House Ruined Story of the Day, After Millionaire Husbands Death, Old Widow Is Forced to Live In Dirty Old Trailer Story of the Day, Woman Believed to Be Dead for 20 Years Appears at Her Sons Funeral Story of the Day, On Mothers Day, Poor Woman Struggling to Feed Her Kids Receives $200K from Unknown Jake Reid Story of the Day, Woman Notices That Her Grandson Disappears in the Evenings and Decides to Follow Him Story of the Day, Stepson Mocked by Adoptive Parents & Their Children Finds Letters They Hid from Him Story of the Day, Woman Takes Flowers to Husbands Grave and Is Confused When Another Woman Throws Them Away Story of the Day. What happend to all blackwater money + Dutch's chest money Blackwater money is 150.000 dollar Dutchs chest is 42.000 (total 192.000) But we only get 20.000 + 1.500 debt pay off) if we say charles got 21.500, sadie got 21.500, What happend to other 127.500 dollar? There are a total of 4 endings you can get in the game and depending on your honor level, each honor level has 2 endings that go along with them. All Minigames Locations (Poker, Blackjack, Five Finger Fillet and Dominoes). It says: "Blackwater lock down bank boat heists largest robbery in years. The money is stored behind the mom painting directly at the front door. Progress up to a certain point, however, and the effects of Arthurs TB will still start to set in. All Legendary Fish Locations. John was therefore born in 1873 which makes him 26 in Red Dead Redemption 2 and 38 in Red Dead Redemption. Can you find Arthur's body in rdr2? Arthur's wallet of money is also cleared out, but John receives $20,000, which is more than enough to buy anything. Arthur and Sadie travel to Van Horn to free Abigail. What happens if you go for the money instead of helping John? He valued loyalty above everything else. Arthur Morgans grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the grave of Eagle Flies. All Minigames Locations (Poker, Blackjack, Five Finger Fillet and Dominoes). All Poisonous Trail Treasure Map Locations and [], Other Guides: Cheat Codes! But alas, rules are rules. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. Image credit: Rockstar Studios/ Red Dead Redemption 2 (Wikipedia). Can you go back to the cave and get the money as John? In the process, Tom ODriscoll killed Jake while Sadie took refuge in the cellar. After Arthurs death, John has to start from scratch. Since Arthur was relatively young when he met Dutch, he thought that he had changed and even held out hope to his last breath that Dutch was still a good guy and would do the right thing. After chapter six, we don't actually see Dutch until the very end of epilogue two, although he can be read about in one of the newspaper reports. The only way for a player to even come close to sparing Arthurs life is by not progressing the game at all. this is the one you manually donate too. Simply put, you, Arthur Morgan, can not pick up a prostitute. The difference is that you fight back to the camp and head into the cave for the money. All Dreamcatchers Locations (Secret Reward). The sequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, shows the aftermath of the botched robbery attempt by the Van der Linde gang, and youll spend almost the entirety of the game staying away from it, as youll be shot on sight. Go to the Aberdeen Pig Farm as Arthur, with the not at all creepy incestuous siblings. Before any more can be said, Susan Grimshaw shoots Molly in the stomach with a shotgun, killing her instantly. While theres nothing stopping you from checking out Blackwater during the rest of the game, its basically impossible to explore the town in your current state. the cash box is the camp money for day to day things while Dutch's chest is the big "live free" savings that he normally hides near camp. Now, you can also see a "Wanted" poster for Dutch at that very same location. Either way, the Murfrees are defeated, and the duo come across a girl named Meredith, who had been taken from the stagecoach a few days prior and imprisoned in the cave, after which she was subjected to sexual abuse. 1.5) What would happen if Arthur went to Blackwater early in Red Dead Redemption 2 to find Dutch's money? Or is it not? Edit: Sry, didnt read it propperly. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely colossal game in every sense of the word, and it's really easy to lose track of characters or plot strands. How long does it take the brain to process forgiveness? It's great to see the varying views of these characters. Dutch was first and foremost a very arrogant and prideful man that did not want to accept that he was wrong in any way. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. All the pressure with running from the law and continuously moving cause him to be this way, whereas Arthur thought something snapped inside Dutch to make him change. On the way out, you fight Micah in the burning remnants of the camp. In the epilogue, the Murfree Brood move back into the cave and the location becomes a Gang Hideout that can occasionally be cleared for loot. She had hoped they'd kill Dutch, or at, least get his attention on hers. Awesome tip. After returning from Guarma and being attacked by Pinkertons at Lakay, Dutch sends Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith north to find somewhere suitable for a new camp. Theres a reason Molly OShea lied about being the rat in Red Dead Redemption 2, and the simple answer is she did it for love. Charles went on to become street fighter and fights there to make some bucks to carry on his life in the city. That said, John recovers the money stash from Micah and Dutch at the end of the epilogues, effectively replacing any money you may have lost when you completed Chapter 6. The second chest is the gangs savings, this is where the money obtained after completing missions is stored. Didn't Dutch always have enough money? Just discovered this, but if you go back as John, if you chose to go with John, Dutch's chest will still be under the wagon in . A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. John and Sadie will open a chest, claiming a fortune in gold and money. Also the amount of money in chest is part of that great rockstar logic.. lol Just like when you leave Arthur's money at the pig farm and john gets it 8 years later and none of . On the way out, you fight Micah in the burning remnants of the camp.J. How old is John rdr2? AmoMama creates engaging, meaningful content for women. If you help John, you'll travel with him through cliffs and fight Pinkertons. Hoseas grave is by Lennys. Through his mother, he is a descendant of the Red Wolf Native Americans tribe, and one of the grandchildren of Running Moon, the tribes current chief. Bill Williamson was 45 when John tracked him down to Nuevo Paraiso, and Micah Bell was 47 when hes killed by John and Dutch at Beechers Hope. In fact, she's never seen during "Red Dead Redemption 2," even though she's mentioned numerous times throughout the game. This is one of the largest robberies in recent years, and that's basically where it cuts off, and you can't read the rest. It may have been a small part of the game's lore, but it significantly impacted what Dutch does and how the rest of the events unfold. Stop playing story missions before Arthur dies, and hell keep on yee-hawing for as long as the player desires. Both Dutch and Hosea are the gang's founding members, and then Arthur eventually joined them very early on. Before anymore can be said, Susan Grimshaw shoots her with a shotgun, claiming that she "knew the rules" and ordering Molly's body to be burnt. So, was her death one of the reasons for the unraveling of his character? When it comes to mysteries, the infamous Blackwater ferry heist is something we need to delve into. Your persistence through the main game will pay off on this occasion, and the failed attempt to take Blackwater for all it was worth wont be such a botch after all. Turns out, Molly was the one who betrayed all of you, getting Lenny and Hosea killed, and John captured. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. Playing through the first game, you get the impression that Dutch's gang was made up of four major mainstays: Dutch van der Linde, the leader; Bill Williamson, the muscle; Javier Esquella, the revolutionary; and John Marston, the everyman. cowgirl. Momentarily afterwards, Javier Escuella arrives, to tell them that Pinkertons are coming. The only person who found his body was Charles, but he wouldnt have known where the chest was. The first antibiotic, penicillin, wasnt discovered until 1928. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Bills age is confirmed in the official Game of the Year strategy guide for Red Dead Redemption, while Micahs age can be learned from an in-game newspaper in RDR2. He could have also visited his mother's grave. If you remember, the way money is split up is half of the total . Duchess boys accused bounties placed.". If you decide to help John, you will fight your way up the mountain with . Dutch appears to be a broken man. Collab guide, Lewdle word of the day: Daily clues and answer (March 4, 2023). Inside the cave in the western chamber is jewelry, money, and Valerian Root. After Beaver Hollow we never heard what hapened to the Dutch's chest ( gang money ) i know you can go back to get the money but Micah attack you and get the money before Arthur die and in the epilogue Micah had the Blackwater money but what hapened to the gang money ? The second chest is the gangs savings, this is where the money obtained after completing missions is stored. Matthews is a con artist who tried to rob Dutch, and funny enough, Dutch had the same intentions. Because at one point at camp susan tells Arthur that someone had smashed the savings box. If not, Arthur would have the key on him when he died, but no one would know. This is referenced quite a lot throughout the game, but we don't have much detail on this actual heist itself, so the Van Der Linde gang led by Dutch attempted one last big score at Blackwater. How long can a goose egg stay on your head? Arthur's wallet of money is also cleared out, but John receives $20,000, which is more than enough to buy anything. - John Marston. You can check that out in the "Notorious Bad Man Alive" article. Again follow Dutch and you will be attacked along the way. Word of the cave's entrance spread among the native people as well as among settlers who arrived later . This weapons best stats are Rate of Fire 3.2/4 (Best) and Reload 2.8/4 (Good) and its lowest stats being Damage 1.5/4 (Weak). The Dutch's gang goes to Beaver Hollow. After the mission is over, you'll be awarded an astonishing $20,000 as your cut. This is initiated either by a corpse hanging from the trees or a flaming cart of explosives which the Murfrees send at the player. She may have been a member or associate of the Van Der Linde gang and had a very close relationship with Dutch. Dutch ended up killing a defenseless young woman named Heidi McCourt. You dont go into the cave as marston getting the cash, you need to do some missions . There are no pictures or last name or hints about who she is, and you don't even see her in the game. What Happens If You Return To Dutch's Money Cave After Beating Red Dead Redemption 2? View Drunk, she taunts Dutch and tells him that she told the Pinkertons about the bank robbery in Saint Denis, enraging him. She refers to the ledger, so you cant donate money to the camp funds anymore. Arthur and Micah's duel results in a draw that ends with Dutch and Micah heading off into the sunset. Where is the murfree brood hideout? We believe that every person's story is important as it provides our community with an opportunity to feel a sense of belonging, share their hopes and dreams. Spoilers ahead, obviously. If you go for the money, it plays out largely the same. ^^Both sacks are marked "US Army Payroll", so either Micah went to the trouble of robbing the army again, or the money from the chest is retrieved at some point. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The pair arrive at Beaver Hollow, where they come across a stagecoach from Annesburg that had reportedly disappeared without a trace. complete answer She was portrayed as being head-over-heels in love with Dutch, and likely never expected him to want to kill her.