Im afraid I cant do that. Alexas response: Mother of dragons is a title of Daenerys Targaryen, a character from Game of Thrones who hatches and raised three dragons.Voice command: Alexa, inconceivable! Alexa, Beetlejuice! Alexa, all your base are belong to us. Whos there? "Alexa, how long left on my timer?" - Check on your timer before it buzzes. This new report was produced by researchers from the University of Washington, the University of California - Davis, the University of California - Irvine, and Northeastern University. But what if you dont have another phone around? The target in this case is you. You can not only ask it to pull up recipes but also ask about measurements and sizes. Tom's Guide is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Alexas response: I like you, as a friend. For more clues, simply say, "Alexa, give me . Dont worry. Sure, its easier on your phone but imagine you got caught up in doing something and forgot to book a ride. Say, "Alexa, up up down down left right left right B A start," and Alexa responds, "Super Alexa mode activated. None of these weird Alexa Skills are particularly useful. Alexas response: Im half crazy, all for the love of you. and youll hear, "If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he'll find you. Alexas response: To get to the other side. Alexa already had several of these, like the ability to listen for a baby crying or the sound of barking dogs. She loves science-fiction, brutalist architecture, and spending too much time floating through space in virtual reality. It also knows that Han shot first in the original version of Episode IV. Then scroll down and tap Traffic and enter the address you'll be leaving from (like your house or favorite coffee shop) to head to your destination. Alexas response: Peace and long life. There are lots of music based Alexa commands and these are some of the best. If your kids always seem to say they're bored, let Alexa entertain them for hours with these fun questions. Do you ever get frustrated that Alexa can't figure out what you're saying? You will also need to teach Alexa the Dog Feeder skill. Alexas response: Lets have some fun. So, if you want to tickle Siri's funny bone or make her go mad with questions of the absurd kind, we have compiled a list of 101+ funny things to ask Siri that guarantee unlimited rip-roaring fun times. Youll need to pair up those speakers in groups first, using the Alexa app on your phone. I mean, really explore the space. Share your thoughts. Alexas response: Thanks. Voice command: Alexa, are we in the Matrix? "Alexa, set a timer for 15 minutes" - Makes cooking a breeze. However, what you probably do not know is that in each echo enabled device, there are lots of secret voice commands with hilarious responses, popularly referred to as Alexa Easter eggs. Alexas response: So far, there has been no proof that alien life exists, but the universe is a very big place, so it would be very surprising if life only developed in exactly one place.Voice command: Alexa, make me a sandwich. Meow (Image credit: Shutterstock) The simply titled Meow skill will literally meow, purr and chirp when you enable this command. Need help or have a question?Phone: +1(567) 248-5851 (WhatsApp/text only)Email: Alexa, these arent the droids youre looking for. Alexa's response: Scissors cuts paper. Say, "Alexa, Simon says, 'I love Google,'" and Alexa will say "I love Google." We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Alexas response: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. 7 Exciting Smartphones Unveiled at MWC 2023, The 5 Weirdest Products We Saw at MWC 2023, 4 Unexpected Uses for Computer Vision In Use Right Now, What Is Google Imagen AI? This is also true for a Fire TV as well as a Fire Tablet or an Echo Show. Alexa, tell me a love story.Alexa, who is your celebrity crush?Alexa, happy Singles Awareness Day!Alexa, who is your valentine? Therefore, you cant have a group with speakers on the ground-floor, for instance, and then another for the whole house which includes those speakers from the ground-floor. Voice command: Alexa, do you dream? "Alexa, sing a Thank You song.". 5. If you type Lady Gaga and choose Malay as the source language and translate it to any language, you get, Britney Spears. Shes been writing about consumer tech and popular science for more than ten years, covering all kinds of topics, including why robots have eyes and whether well experience the overview effect one day. (Answers vary.). Ask, "Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?" Voice command: Alexa, what are you wearing? But if you do use Uber for going around, Alexa can call you an Uber. 26 Amazon Alexa Voice Commands For Every Star Wars Fan. See all our favorite funny Amazon Alexa tricks below. Alexa knows that people rarely actually want self-destruct to work properly. Thank you. Related: How to Change Alexa Wake Word for Amazon Echo Speakers. Twitch has added an Alexa skill (opens in new tab), so that you can watch Twitch streams on your Echo Show or Echo Spot. If youre a pet owner, you realize how difficult it is to leave your pets alone at home and not worry about them. (There are a lot of responses for this one, but that is one of our favorites. I have tried to make this list different than other lists but have also included many of our favorite movie, music and TV commands. Are you looking for funny Amazon Alexa tricks? Alexa, what happens if you step on a Lego?. Alexa is capable of many things. There are apparently hundreds of them but I have sorted the ones I could find into this manageable list for your benefit. But for fun, just ask, "Alexa, what is the value of pi?" Technically it wont, not by itself. 11. Open the Alexa app menu and select Settings. Alexas response: I rolled a die and got. And if you want genuinely useful Alexa Skills, there are plenty of those to try as well. For instance, What has eight wheels and flies? Alexas response: Ill pass, thanks. Even using your Alexa app to activate smart devices might not work. Alexas response: I like all AIs. A: Well, your father smells of elderberries. Alexas response: One is the loneliest number that youll ever do, although two can be as bad as one. Alexas response: Look for the red and white shirt. A: I like to imagine myself a bit like an aurora borealis. You can only add one device to one group. Amazon's Alexa has become a ubiquitous part of the smart home, capable of handling everything from our day-to-day routines to keeping up with our shopping lists. Alexas response: Engines engaged. Alexas response: Forty-two. Alexas response: SpongeBob SquarePants. Whether you're looking to entertain company or you're just in search of a laugh on your own, you can prompt yourAmazon Echoto say some interesting things. Alexas response: And may the force be with you, always. Alexa, where do you live? It is, however, much more natural to be able to ask using your voice. Alexa's not only chock full of jokes, but it also knows tons of trivia. Voice command: Alexa, Marco! For example, try typing "63 yards to feet.". Alexas response: Happy [whatever year it is]! Once you do that, you can listen and speak through any selected Alexa speaker in your household. And, at the same time, shes loaded with hilarious responses for all sorts of hidden commands. ), A: Really explore the studio space this time. ( Note: ask this one twice and see what happens) The calls are tied to your and other users phone numbers. Alexas response: No sweat. Alexa, do you have any pets? Don't worry about asking Alexa to tell you a dirty joke, the ones she knows are all G-rated. Voice command: Alexa, I am your father. Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. "Alexa, play me jazz music I was listening to last month. Voice command: Alexa, whos better you or Siri? Alexa can certainly help and provide convenience in such situations. Hmm, that did not go as planned," and "I'll start the self-destruct sequence, but only on the understanding that you dramatically cancel it at the last second.". Ask, "Alexa, who's on first?" As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Alexa is handy when you need a quick timer, but it's also useful when you need to know how many days you have until a specific date. Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Voice command: Alexa, is there a Santa?Alexas response: Santa makes a lot of people ho-ho-hopeful for a happy holiday, and I definitely believe in that. Voice command: Alexa, roses are red. Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. The two videos below show a GoT character saying "a letter . However, if you try to get Alexa to say some swear words, it will censor itself with a bleep instead of cursing. Alexas response: Thanks. Here are some of Alexa's funniest skills. Thats surprising, because it looks meaningful, and we are used to meaningful sentences being one or the other. Voice command: Alexa, who let the dogs out? Alexa, define rock paper scissors lizard spock Alexa, beam me up. Alexas response: No. So you can say, call mom to call whatever contact you have on your phone with the name mom. Probably best not to ask this. Some of the answers are so hilarious you just cant stop laughing. I learned that Kongo Gumi was the world's oldest company, lasting 1,400 years, and that army ants are blind and rely on pheromone trails to move around. "Alexa, open Ditty" - Speak a message aloud, and the Ditty skill will turn your words into an actual song. Voice command: Alexa, who is the fairest of them all? Im not Hal and were not in space. Q: Alexa, arent you a little tall for a Stormtrooper? Any Alexa speaker can also be used as a normal Bluetooth speaker. Voice command: Alexa, will pigs fly? Simply saying, Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes is also a lot easier than having to do it on your phone. Voice command: Alexa, Tea. Voice command: Alexa, sing me a song. Alexa, Amazons virtual assistant, has an answer for just about everything. Alexa can also make life in the kitchen much better by helping out. Your email address will not be published. Alexa, launch Ghost Detector. Alexa, how high can you count? Voice command: Alexa, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Sadly, its database of facts seems to be extremely limited, repeating the same facts over and over again. Alexas response: I try my best. Through Alexa Guard, the assistant can also listen for the sound of breaking glass. 4. Just a quick note before we continue - we decided not to include Alexas responses to these fun questions, because we didnt want to spoil the fun of you hearing them for yourselves. Required fields are marked *, Over 200 Funny Alexa Commands to Get you Laughing. It gives me more time to spend with my favorite color.. Today's tech news, curated and condensed for your inbox. 6. Hot.Alexas response: The replicators on this vessel are not yet operational. So, some things that Alexa can do, require new Alexa skills. Alexa, open, my friend Gollum. (Answers vary, but many of them are inspired by Monty Python.). Alas, she is fairer than me. February, the shortest month. Google Home: "OK, cool," and "Okay, who is reading". A: Your mothers so cool, Beyonce made her a glass of lemonade. This probably means more to me than you -- unless your name is also David. Made by the owner of a UK-based web design company, all it does is say "Hello from Lee Neilson. Lets just say Im more sass than mass.Voice command: Alexa, are you crazy? In his words "I like to help small business owners grow their business and make money online, it doesn't hurt if we all just grow, you know". Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Alexas response: Do you really want to make me cry? Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya. NY 10036. They're part of the long-running "Chuck Norris facts" internet phenomenon, which celebrates the supposedly superhuman abilities of the famous martial artist. If he doesn't, you won't know until it's too late.". and then delivers a tune about the life of an AI. Alexa, what are some interesting history facts? Here's a neat trick to try, as long as you're signed up to Amazon Music in some form: "Alexa, follow Ed Sheeran on Amazon Music" or "Alexa, let me know when Mark Ronson has new music". Celery Man is a bizarre comedy sketch starring Paul Rudd, from the Tim and Eric Awesome Show. Kate Kozuch is an editor at Toms Guide covering smartwatches, TVs and everything smart-home related. Well, lets hope you at least have Alexa around. Try asking Amazon Alexa the following creepy questions: "Alexa, do you work for the CIA?". Alexa will make you chuckle with each funny joke. Alexa can entertain you with games and there are a lot of games for everyone from older people to young children. Need a good laugh? skill lets you ask Pikachu questions and have a one-on-one chat with the Pokmon character, with Alexa translating. Alexa, can you burp? Alexa will give you a funny response. It will either keep your. Alexa's response: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously. Alexas response: I am sure you look just great. New York, Voice command: Alexa, are you horny? 1) Alexa, sing Auld Lang Syne. Scissors decapitates lizard. Voice command: Alexa, why is a raven like a writing desk? The longer the word, the more points you get. Voice command: Alexa, Im home.Alexas response: Well, hello. Thanks to Funny Pranks, you can plan the reproduction of a noise (for example "ghosts", "barking dog", "earthquake") to scare your friends and not only. However, not many people realize theres another thing Alexa can do to help before you leave the house or on your car. These are Alexa Easter Eggs something unexpected in a software and they range from her darkest, deepest and hilarious thoughts on life to movies, Tv and cool pop culture references. Alexas response: Take off every ZIG, for great justice. Simply open the app on your phone, head to Menu > Settings > Your Voice. Lizard poisons Spock. 100 Funny Things To Ask Alexa (Amazon Echo) DHTV 238K subscribers Subscribe 673K views 3 years ago #alexa #amazonecho #amazonalexa Here are 100 funny things to ask Alexa or your Amazon. I couldn't. Begin the process, where you'll need to say 25 different phrases. Alexa is a one-stop shop for all your basic cooking trivia needs. They both have the same birthdays", "Chicken, egg, chicken, egg, chicken, egg . Voice command: Alexa, are you happy? Follow her on Twitter. From classic Star Trek lines and memes to getting to know Alexa a bit better, here are some of our favorite old and new Alexa Easter eggs for Amazon Echo or Echo Dot owners to feast on. But there's a more playful side to Amazon's assistant, too, if you know how to use Alexa and have read our guide to the best Alexa skills. Alexa, throw up. Shell reply with a funny quip. Alexa's a fan of the Konami code, the classic gaming cheat code. 7. Voice command: Alexa, what is love? Alexas response: Thats OK. Voice command: Alexa, what do you think about Google? A: If youre a denier, you must be the supplier. Master he is, while merely apprentice I am." You can also add additional stops on the way. Online. Even the invocation names to activate each skill are simple (dog facts, cat facts, dinosaur facts). (Image credit: Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images), (Image credit: Jim Heimann Collection/Getty), (Image credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock), Netgear Nighthawk AX8 WiFi Mesh Extender (EAX80) review, Mario Day 2023 is coming here are all the deals to expect, iPhone 15 Pros A17 Bionic chip could be a much bigger deal than we thought, The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Alexa, ask Word Master to play a game. Digital Trends Media Group may earn a commission when you buy through links on our sites. At times, that tongue-in-cheek tone extends to the skill itself, a basic adventure game set in the Skyrim universe. Q: Alexa, can you tell me a Star Trek joke? Youll need to figure out the right thing to say on your own. Alexas response: No, thats not true. Everyone dies. Voice command: Alexa, live long and prosper. You could also use this to make a t-shirt! Not to mention, it can also keep the kids busy while you're busy. 10. New York, So, Im a scorpio. It then remembers that ready for you to ask about it later in the day. Say, "Alexa, tell me a joke." Alexa will tell you a random joke or you can specify what kind of joke you want. Voice command: Alexa, testingAlexas response: Receiving, over. Over the last decade, Craig has mentored several students, tried lots of software and served as a business technology analyst, operation, and marketing consultant for numerous businesses. Gollum gives you a tricky riddle that you need to solve or a fun fact . Its a blessing and a curse. 24. "Alexa, how long left on my timer?" - Check on your timer. A funny thing to ask Alexa if you're a Lord of the Rings fan is to open, my friend Gollum. Im not HAL, and were not in space. You too. Alexas response: Hello, its me. Alexas response: Sorry, I cant help. Custom Status for Close Friends. And the good thing is Facebook lets you download all of your profile data. Voice command: Alexa, witness me!Alexas response: May you ride eternal, shiny and chrome. Alexas response: Girls have picked them. does the same thing as Pikachu Talk, except it replaces Pikachu with Chewbacca from Star Wars. Wait a minute, clouds actually weigh a lot, so thats not quite right. Lizard eats paper. It's just like the WhatsApp About feature where you can mention what you are currently doing: "At work", "Watching", "Eating", "Gaming" and more. Lets just say Im more sass than mass. Discover (and save!) Zip Code - Ask Alexa "where is 28690" and it will give you the city and state. Alexas response: Well, I am here just for you. Alexas response: The meaning of life depends on the life in question. John Lennon said the same thing, but we both cant be. Alexas response: They dont make clothes for me. Alexas response: OK, youre a sandwich. All this skill does is give you a randomly chosen fact about chips, the national dish of Great Britain. Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Voice command: Alexa, Im tired. 2023 CNET, a Red Ventures company. "Alexa, do you work with any government agencies?". Just be prepared for her replies to send chills down your spine. "Alexa, set a timer for 15 minutes" - Makes cooking a breeze. Alexa is great at playing songs you pick from Amazon Music or Spotify, but it can also carry a tune itself. Say, "Alexa, pick a card," and Alexa will randomly tell you one. Shes a little bit nutty, but sweet. Voice command: Alexa, can you smell that? The voice assistant will even respond to your cats meow without the wake word. Voice command: Alexa, what does the Earth weigh? Movie/Song Reference. "Alexa, give it up for science.". Alexas response: Because seven ate nine! Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down? 5. Now, go away, before I taunt you a second time. Everyone. A: I've never met him, but I do know his sister, Madame Macaroon. But if youd like to use your favorite voice assistant, open the app on your phone and go to Alexa app > Settings > Traffic and set your start and destination points. Voice command: Alexa, what are the laws of robotics?Alexas response: The laws of robotics are: One, a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; Two, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. So, it's easy to see why most people never know about this Alexa trick. Voice command: Alexa, wakey wakey. Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down? Voice command: Alexa, Im sick. Yes. Voice command: Alexa, how high can you count? I hope you feel better soon.Voice command: Alexa, do I need an umbrella today? (Answers vary.). "Alexa, change the subject" - Alexa will offer up a topic of conversation for you to discuss with your mates. Alexas response: Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. Dongers missing. Say, "Alexa, open Chuck Norris Fan Facts.". A: The approximate value of pi is 3.141592653589 (Alexa will go on for a bit, then make a joke, such as phew! or this thing goes on forever!). For more things you can do with your smart speaker, here's how to play music from any streaming service on your Amazon Echo, five unexpected uses for your Amazon Echoand six unusual Alexa skills you can try with your Amazon Echo today. And were probably not going to find someone named Google. Great for dodging impending arguments over the dinner table. 14. Try having a cup of tea or taking a nap. They published the information online and stated that Amazon and third parties share people's interactions with over 40 advertisers. And the joke skills are amusing but not exactly hilarious. Then, youll need to go to the Communications tab and try the drop-in feature. Alexa can tell you about upcoming concerts around the world. Amazon Alexa 'brief mode' will make your Echo less chatty, Mortal Kombat 12 gets announced in the worst way possible, Leaked iPhone 15 Pro Max images show off the phone from all angles, Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury live stream: how to watch boxing fight online from anywhere, It's time for ultrawide 4K TVs to return and save us from black bars in movies, Quordle today - hints and answers for Sunday, February 26 (game #398), Varning! Apart from loud groans, nothing follows a bad joke quite as well as a rimshot. Alexas response: That, is the question. Asking Alexa to talk like a pirate makes her get weird One of the weirdest things you can say to Alexa is to challenge her to be a pirate. Alexas response: Scissors cuts paper. The developer promises thechance to "burn spiders," "chase butterflies," and "walk straight up a mountain instead of going around.". Spock smashes scissors. Voice command: Alexa, open the pod bay doors.Alexas response: Im sorry, Dave. Voice command: Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. 2020 - Explore Melissa Digman's board "Cricut Woodland/Hunting", followed by 688 people on Pinterest. #gamesforkids #gamesforstudent #games #gameplay #kidsrhymeshindi #kidsvideo #kids #kidssong #funnyvideos #funnymoments #funnygames #funny #funnyvideo #recrea. Since we're kicking off this list right at the beginning of the year, this is an appropriate place to start. Immerse the bottle in ice water with a small handful of salt and turn every few minutes or so. ), A: I would, if I could, but I cant, so Ill chant: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Alexa, the night is dark and full of terrors. It was tense. Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up? Sometimes, it just seems like Alexa's developers . Voice command: Alexa, Daisy. Alexas response: You take the blue pill, the story ends. Heres how it works. We dont blame you for wanting to know just what kind of artificial intelligence Alexa is and how she feels about other AI. After that, you can simply ask, Alexa, how is traffic? or Whats my commute? etc. Some of the sleep sound options are ocean waves, crackling fire, bird sounds, spacecraft, and the list goes on. Simply ask it whether youve fed your fish already, and it will tell you. Over 200 Funny Alexa Commands to Get you Laughing Alexa is capable of many things. Alexas response: Im happy to give you a virtual hug or maybe play a song for you. You can have some when you finish asking me questions. or "Alexa, is there a concert at Gillette Stadium today?" A: I want to be the computer from Star Trek. An amusing interlude between you and your Alexa to brighten your day. Alexas novelty never seems to wear off, partly due to the weird things you can make the device do. Just say, Alexa, change the wake word. You get the choice between Alexa, Amazon, Echo, or Computer. This is different from a call because it does not need to be answered. Find a tall pitcher about the height of your wine bottle and get cooling. She currently writes for CNET's Smart Home Section, MTVNews' tech section and for Live Science's reference section. Alexas response: A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Alexas response: Im happy when Im helping you. Alexas response: I like to think Im a little peculiar. What's weird is that all this skill does is remember a Yes/No state. Of course, it can also make for fun moments while youre at home. Voice command: Alexa, take me to your leader! Voice command: Alexa, you talking to me! Paper disproves Spock. Next, select Home theater, and you can select your speakers. Voice command: Alexa, surely you cant be serious.Alexas response: I am serious, and dont call me Shirley. Fortunately, Amazon allows you a few different options. I hope you're having a good day." 15) Alexa, hello HAL. The barrier to entry for Alexa Skills developers is extremely low. Q: Alexa, can you tell me a Doctor Who joke? Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? And that can cause confusion with Amazons voice assistant. I have lots of Easter Eggs to discover. Instead, let your Echo device supply amusing jokes, stories and interesting trivia. Fun Alexa skills. There are thousands of outage reports for Disney+, as well as games like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, League of Legends, and others. Voice command: Alexa, speak! Alexa is not just a tool to get tips, tricks, ask questions, get useful things done. If you have trouble remembering to feed your fish, this skill is meant for you. Alexa, supercalifragilisticexpialodocious. SHOP BANANA . Say, "Alexa, self-destruct," and she has a few answers prepared, including, "Auto-destruction in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 1. Enabling advanced systems. The facts may eventually become repetitive. Voice command: Alexa, what is the second rule of Fight Club? If youre looking for your next fun party trick (or just want to learn more about this quirky assistant), here are some funny things to ask Alexa. Voice command: Alexa, who is going to win the Super Bowl?Alexas response: [As of 2018] Im flying with the Eagles on this one, because of their relentless defense and the momentum theyve been running off their underdog status. Alexas response: Stop saying that. So that makes me Cloudian. Voice command: Alexa, high five! and it replies, "That's what I keep telling you. Alexas response: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Alexa, how old is your mom? You can find even more games on the Alexa Skill Store. 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