His eyebrows raise as he sees you standing next to his older brother. . Or wilt under the flames Aemond did not wish to be unkind in his assessment of the lady before him but even with an impartial eye it was difficult to find anything redeeming in the appearance of his bride. Any SI, OC or SI/OC Targaryen fics preferably around Bobby Bs rebellion., i clicked on your second link and it led me to a 404 error. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Also, wouldnt mind some with the Tyrells after the rebellion. As the Dance of the Dragons begins, rumors swirl about a young Tyrell girl in Highgarden who has miraculously claimed the notoriously recluse and riderless dragon, Grey Ghost. At the halfway point of the season, we've seen him continuously wreak. Let it be known, no good ever came to a Stark who went South. Jaedys Velaryon is Rhaenyra's eldest child and heir. The SI is either the age (or just a year younger) than Aegon III, or he is born in his reign (by this, i mean around the age of Daeron the young dragon or a few years older), or he is around the age of Daemon Blackfyre or Aegor Bittersteel, and if he is a children of Aegon IV, i also accept if it's a bastard, or someone born after the first The Promised Prince, finally here. As meninas estavam abraadas com a nossa av, Rhaenys Targaryen. That's all I can really say I suck at summaries I'll try to make a better one later on, please just read it. Following the events of Reborn in Fire, Westeros and Essos are forever changed. DaemonTargaryen13 . Now the Empire of New Valyria, thanks to Queen Rhaenyra and King Consort Daemon, who did everything they could to prepare for the Prince that Was Promised to one day come. Only them. Pretty lies, ugly truths, scandalous affairs, schemes for power and unwanted pregnancies. This is a good time period to change things for the better in Westeros, everything that's falling apart Aegon IV the dumb fuck takes over. Vaegon would prefer a dragon that doesn't take him for a joyride. When King Viserys I is informed one night that theirs was not the only noble house of Valryia that survived, that another House, one that held greater power than his own back in their ancestral land, managed to live in hiding in the Free Cities, he must make a choice. Keep the chapters coming and stay safe. A vicious beast of a woman who believes she, a lady, could rule the seven Kingdoms and send men, the only rightful rulers, to war. House Tyrell is known for their flowers, a highborn family of wealth and beauty. You must log in or register to reply here. Aemond Targaryen x OC La idea es de ella, yo solo escribo <3 Gracias Kiyoshi. SI is Rhaegar's baby sister. How will the war affect them? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And it is well known that a Tyrell's vanity is exceeded only by their ambition . Alyssa Velaryon comes as a miracle to Rhaenyra Targaryen, a trueborn daughter with silver hair and dark skin that mirrors her father, Ser Laenor Velaryon. Are you asking for something that you know exists or is this just a general request of something youd like to read? ESTS LEYENDO. and everyone seems to fall for you. She has awoken with her memory intact and is more determined than ever to make things right. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After the wedding, it's the bedding ceremony and Daemon has no issues watching it. Esta secuela se ubica aos ms adelante donde Aegon II fallece por causas desconocidas a lo que su hermano menor Aemond es coronado rey de los 7 reinos.Despus de estar aislados y sin noticias uno del otro, Lucerys ya ms adulto y su to volvern a encontrarse para descubrir que no solo son enemigos sino tambin que el lazo que les una continua firme. Hence the smuggling. Original characters. Jason todd died at 15 years old, usually thats the end of the story, that was until he was reborn as a dragon, specifically the brother of the famous Cannibal. Daemon goes to Rhaenyras wedding feast, planning to find a way to stop the marriage. "Who are you?" he asked and the boy just smiled. Vaegon Targaryen originally became a Maester in the original timeline, and like Maester Aemon was offered the crown by his father King Jaehaerys after all of his brothers passed away, but refused and suggested a Great Council to determine the heir, and establish the precedent of the royal succession for future Targaryens. You should know better than to entangle yourself with a dragon, Daemons devotion shows itself in many ways. I sense a religious schism in the future. But it was not Daemon that Viserys had chosen to succeed him, but his daughter Rhaenyra. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Those who sought to deny the Princes affection for his wife would fall silent with the announcement of her impending motherhood., - 'Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros' by Archmaester Gyldayn, Childbirth is the duty and dismay of all highborn women. It's only natural she falls for him right? Let it be known, no good ever came to a Stark who went South. Dance of Dragons-Daemon Targaryen . Aemond se presenta a los catorce. in which Valeria Velaryon-Targaryen is nothing . Viserys Targaryen must have been a fool to entrust the entirety of Westeros into the hands of a mere woman. Gaemon Waters tames the cannibal and Maegor Waters (unrelated) tames the Grey Ghost. After the wedding, it's the bedding ceremony and Daemon has no issues watching it. otto hightower PUNCHING AND BEATING UP WITH A THICK ROD. What happens when that child is a girl, born the perfect image of a Targaryen princess? Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.. I particularly like the self-inserts around this time period, but anything decent will do. Daemon comenz a impresionar la habitacin, sabiendo que el comandante no le creia, pero gracias a los siete no le cuestiono, iba a ir por un diario que vio sobre la mesa que se encontraba . Great plans that needed a dragon. The choice that Tyrion had to make was a simple one, life or death and he chose life. Naenya Targaryen is the eldest daughter of King Viserys of House Targaryen. When Zephyr was born, Cersei expected Blonde hair and Blue eyes, like her son Joffe Laenerys Targaryen, second born daughter of King Viserys, rider of Rhae blood scales, the Winter Dragon,the bringer of ash and black snow. Aegon kind of started researching ancient blood magic because he was bored and his family sucked, but then he actually found a spell that would give him the perfect excuse to never get married. It is I, back after a brief break to finally write the story that has been stuck in my head for almost a year. Work Search: It is written by user StrangerOrders on the Alternative History Forums, and is being re-written as Gaemon REDUX. Al principio parecen ser de un simple admirador o tal vez una inocente broma.Pero los regalos comienzan a volverse algo extraos hasta el punto de quitarle el sueo.Lucerys necesitar ayuda para descubrir a su extrao admirador; y qun va a ayudarle es una sorpresa gigante para el joven.-Esta historia existe gracias Kiyoshi Hoffman, del grupo de f4c3book. Viserys Targaryen must have been a fool to entrust the entirety of Westeros into the hands of a mere woman. Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.. Viserys Targaryen, principal architect at Targaryen & Sons, has secretly taken a younger lover you, a former foster kid turned History and Philosophy PhD candidate at the University of King's Landing. Daemon Targaryen is Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen's Parent; Danza de Dragones; Rhaenyra es una espina en el costado de Daemon; . Good to see you again, Viserys. Lucerys Velaryon comienza a recibir regalos. In this story, Corlys and Vaegon are reasonably close, hence the lack of 'Ser' and 'Your Grace'. - . She never expected to love the rush sword fighting would give her. Daemon was born as the second son of Prince Baelon Targaryen and his sister-wife, Princess Alyssa Targaryen, in 81 AC, during the reign of his grandfather, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. Bottom Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Aegon II Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Helaena Targaryen/Original Male Character(s), Rhaena Targaryen (Daughter of Daemon)/Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra). It may not display this or other websites correctly. After Daemon fails to get Rhaenyra's hand in marriage, he gatecrashes her wedding where he meets the cunning and charismatic Lady Margaery of Highgarden. (Literally no one else is. You do not comply, and he ensures that you suffer the "consequences.". Lady Y/N Stark of Winterfell has declared herself Queen in the North. Underage. and worse, he's the son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea first time writing a fanfic, go easy on me.I used the show as the basis and filled in the blanks using the books, oh, I also change a couple of . Work Search: Together, you and Daemon experience the trials, tribulations and triumphs of expectant parenthood. The Promised Prince, finally here. HotD is just too angsty so I'm writing some tooth rotting fluff to make myself feel better! Pls it sounds very interesting. It is not, however, her mother, the Queen, or even the succession that causes Jade the most discontentment. I havent even read it yet but I trust itll be a a banger. Jaedys Velaryon is Rhaenyra's eldest child and heir. SI is Rhaegars baby sister. Targaryen Realness. It was clear to Aemond that Qoren was foisting an invalid cripple upon him to test his and his familys desperation for the Martells resources. ! Now, with two unasked children and a kingdom and family to restore, Rhaenrya has to be something more than she has ever had to be. A story in which two broken souls, brought together by chance Aelora Velaryon-Targaryen the only true born daughter of Rhaenyra and Leanor. Source Material : George RR Martin I don't own this fic If author wants this removed, just drop a comment I don't own the cover photo, if the owner wants it removed . tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). And you can't not know what i meant by walking Wikipedia, it's meant than the person doesn't have knowledges for make Westeros better in terms of technology or infrastructure. Episode 5 fix it. Jaedys Velaryon is Rhaenyra's eldest child and heir. Daenerys gets sent back into time just before The Dance of Dragons. The SI is either the age (or just a year younger) than Aegon III, or he is born in his reign (by this, i mean around the age of Daeron the young dragon or a few years older), or he is around the age of Daemon Blackfyre or Aegor Bittersteel, and if he is a children of Aegon IV, i also accept if it's a bastard, or someone born after the first Blackfyre rebellion. Love this story, when are you going to update? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Now the Empire of New Valyria, thanks to Queen Rhaenyra and King Consort Daemon, who did everything they could to prepare for the Prince that Was Promised to one day come. Daemon x Fem!Reader with smut prompts: did you touch yourself while i was gone + if you interrupt me one more time so help me god + touch me and you lose, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (38), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (29), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (28), Daemon Targaryen/Original Character(s) (17), Daemon Targaryen/Orignial Female Character(s) (17), Daemon Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) (11), Daemon Targaryen & Original Female Character(s) (10), Daemon Targaryen/Orignial Female Character(s), Daemon Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), Reader is a Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Aegon II Targaryen & Original Character(s), Aegon II Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Daemon Targaryen/Original Female Character, Daemon Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (Past), Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Post-Episode: s01e07 Driftmark (House of the Dragon), Daemon Targaryen/Reader/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Raegaryen/Reader, Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Reader, Rhaenyra Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Rhaenyra Targaryen Loves Daemon Targaryen, abusive families and descriptions of abusive acts, suicide (descriptions of the act + aftermath), the slightest reference to daemon having mommy issues, warnings are in the chapters for each one, they're all on my tumblr and better edited there, Viserys I Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Viserys I Targaryen/Original Character(s), the viserys i enjoyers are STARVING out here where are the fuckin DILF fanfics cmon, terms of endearment (alternate universes), Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (Side), Cannibal the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire). tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. In a desperate fight for every ally and dragonrider they can get, Aegon and Aemond Targaryen seek her out, determined to win her allegiance no matter the cost. A beast so great that the vary heavens fall. Original Rhea Royce/Daemon Targaryen Child(ren) (21) Daemon Targaryen (19) Rhaenyra Targaryen (16) Alicent Hightower (15) Rhea Royce (13) Viserys I Targaryen (12) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen (12) Aegon II Targaryen (11) Helaena Targaryen (10) Jacaerys Velaryon (8) Include Relationships Sunfyre is delighted. She'll only do it once, get the itch out from under her skin and move on with her life. That's all I can really say I suck at summaries I'll try to make a better one later on, please just read it. While she was many things, a fool was not one of them. Cunning and strategic is she who has the weight of the world upon her shoulders. A Tale of Two Dragons. Work Search: daemon cant have rhaenyra so he settles for you. If possible, a SI who's update speed isn't too slow, i love good stories, but if it's for read something good just for having only a little without further content, it is just frustrating. Lady Yvaine of the House Tarth doesn't wish to be a proper lady, she wants to be a member of the Kingsguard. --Or, everyone wants to have little Jacaerys, but the prince doesn't want anyone; at least that's what he thinks. She never believed she would have to pretend to be her brother longer than a fortnight, and yet she does. All following the young heiress to the company, Rhaenyra Targaryen and her group of friends, who are only a little bit less wealthy and succesful than she is. Daemon smiled at the sight of his dragon as he landed. La historia de Poniente recuerda a Aemond Targaryen I: Rey de los Andalos, los Rhoynar y los Primeros Hombres y a su Consorte Real: el Rey Lucerys Velaryon. You could also go with a essos bride i guess if the targs insist on valyrian blood . And what happens when she tries her damndest to make sure her visions don't come true? He had one older brother, Viserys, as well as one younger brother, Aegon, who died in infancy. Modern au that follows the dirty secrets of of one of the most well-known and wealthy families in modern time, the Targaryens. Daemon Targaryen Viserys I Targaryen Alicent Hightower Alyssa and Jace's relationship was a tangled web of emotions, filled with love, frustration, and resentment. A Dragons Roar by spectre4hire. Her existence as a bastardlet alone a womancannot be suffered by Queen Alicent, knowing that the girl is superior to her sons in the line of succession. What happens when Rhaenyra and Daemon's night in the brothel turned out to be more than what the princess admitted to? This next one is my own fic. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". , Fanfiction. Everyone said it was a terrible accident, forgiving and forgetting the part that Aemond had played.At age eighteen, his case was reviewed and he was finally able to escape his family.At age nineteen, he was living alone with no contact with the Targaryens as he pieced his life together.At age twenty-two, Luke was beginning a career and finally living a functioning life with his dog, Arrax.At age twenty-three, Luke arrives back in King's Landing. Episode 5 fix it. Segunda parte continuacin de "El pico de los susurros". The Targaryen family is known for many things, their dragons, their tendency to madness, their complicated relationships that many people cringe at. House Tyrell is known for their flowers, a highborn family of wealth and beauty. I consider ideas for this side-project over on Tumblr (see within for more details)! Is he the son of the Dragon Bane? You might like The Everyoung Dragon the SI in this fic is Daeron Targaryen and starts just before he invades Dorne so its basically set just after the dragons have died out. Twilight of the black dragon, si into a blackfyre. Jason todd died at 15 years old, usually thats the end of the story, that was until he was reborn as a dragon, specifically the brother of the famous Cannibal. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, We Search for Ways (Dance of the Dragons ASOIAF OC), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Daemon Targaryen/Laena Targaryen (mentioned), Rhaenyra Targaryen/Harwin Strong (mentioned), Corlys Velaryon/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Aemon), Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laenor Velaryon (mentioned), Alicent Hightower/Viserys I Targaryen (mentioned), The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era. One hundred and twenty-nine years after Aegon's Conquest, Targaryen slaughters Targaryen, dragon battles dragon, and brother fights sister in a war for the Iron Throne. What if the valyrian gods were real?What if they weren't happy and decided to act?What if Viserys was a complete idiot, and somehow Rhaenyra was intelligent enough to correct his mistakes? She never dreamed of capturing the gaze of a certain one eyed Prince. At age eight, Lucerys slashed his uncle's eye.At age nine, Lucerys was on a dozen different drugs he couldn't pronounce and seeing a psychiatrist chosen by his step-grandmother's father.At age ten, he was in a constant daze because of the drugs he was forced to take.At age fourteen, he was injured. The Margaery of this story is loosely based on the character in Game of Thrones, with some changes in personality. Aegon Jonothor Jon Targaryen, son of King Rhaegar and Queen Lyanna. Given a chance she never thought possible, she makes a choice, even as she grapples with how to achieve her goals. His Queen // Daemon Targaryen by bookpad69 2.2K 64 10 Aspen Targaryen is the eldest daughter of King Viserys Targaryen and the only woman in the Seven Realms that isn't afraid to stand up to men, the King or his council, no. As the Dance of the Dragons begins, rumors swirl about a young Tyrell girl in Highgarden who has miraculously claimed the notoriously recluse and riderless dragon, Grey Ghost. Desperation forged Cregan and Sansa's alliance, and now Sansa seeks to play the game she was taught so well in an effort to save the North by going south. Good fanfiction set in the dance can do for me. Aegon Jonothor Jon Targaryen, son of King Rhaegar and Queen Lyanna. Naenya knew what sort of whispers accompanied her name. No man would stand in her way. (Set post-episode 7, though Daemon never married Laena or Rhaenyra.). But the Rogue Prince doesnt want to fight her. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Rhaenyra wakes up 18 years in the past. Work Search: She had stared at the monstrous beast of a mountain that was the path of her rule, and still, she began to climb. Viserys dies sooner, and Aegon goes to Rhaenyra to beg her for his life, Episode 5 fix it. A boy is born many years later. Please consider turning it on! Little did Lady Annora Tyrell know, Idalia would be thrust into the world of dragons and towers. Daemon has neglected his wife, but when tragedy strikes he comes to a realization. Alone in the world with the knowledge of the future to come, she must make hard decisions and be careful on who to trust with this information. The triplets are invoked into the canon HotD universe to fix the grievous wounds to the dragons and hopefully put this parallel world right on track kicking and screaming while at it. I already know Leonie and Widowmaker stories (Seven Boons and the blacks, the Greens and the Reds). yet the queen has failed to realize that a pretty face, both innocent and untainted would go unnoticed by her brother in law. Aegon Jonothor Jon Targaryen, son of King Rhaegar and Queen Lyanna. . Margaery is friendly with the Lannisters and her firstborn daughter with Daemon will be betrothed to Rhaenyra's first-born son. If something happens to Vaegon and Corlys is discovered to participate in it, then it's Wall in best case for him. Desperation forged Cregan and Sansa's alliance, and now Sansa seeks to play the game she was taught so well in an effort to save the North by going south. She has awoken with her memory intact and is more determined than ever to make things right. . When the Doom came, all was almost lost, save for the survival of the minor noble house, House Targaryen, who went on the unite and conquer the Seven Kingdoms, and find themselves revered as gods by the people, who believed them to be above regular men for such abilities. Post-Episode: s01e04 King of the Narrow Sea (House of the Dragon) prompts. While observing mostly to get to see Rhaenyra, he very quickly realizes that Viserys had NO IDEA how to have sex. Faced with a common enemy in the Hightowers, Daemon and Margaery take a liking to each other and form an alliance. Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.. I definitely want to see the SI ride Caraxes. Work Search: "Toying with One-Eye might give you troubles even I can`t help you with, girl." Rhaenyra Targaryen has a daughter and she grows up to become quite close with her uncle Aemond. Chasing that fame, yet he " , . Lucerys, de diecinueve, bastardo y deshonrado, ha sido suyo desde el momento en que lo vio y Aemond har todo lo que sea necesario para hacrselo saber. Or wilt under the flames Aemond did not wish to be unkind in his assessment of the lady before him but even with an impartial eye it was difficult to find anything redeeming in the appearance of his bride. How, one might ask, could our most honored founder not be loved? What I like about this fic is that the mc isnt the SI but is actually his sister Daena Targaryen (the Targ that eventually births Daemon Blackfyre in canon) and the story follows her. Or will her shining stardom bring her secret to light? I prefer a female SI, but a male SI if better written would do (i don't want to read a badly written story). Following the events of Reborn in Fire, Westeros and Essos are forever changed. With the help of his betrothed, Daenerys, and the rest of his family. "Vaegon Targaryen is a man my colleagues have long decided to categorize as complicated. Reborn as Daemon Targaryen, twin brother to Daeron Targaryen (the young dragon) If possible drop a comment guys Disclaimer : I don't own Game of Thrones nor do I own this fanfic. Between an uprising and now a blight on crops, the North faces a coming famine which will decimate their ranks if they do not find aid from the crown. Cookie Notice Daenerys gets sent back into time just before The Dance of Dragons. But when his younger brother, Daemon, returns to the city to establish a new dot-com start-up, the steady, secure rhythm of your life is all but upended. Ella me brind la idea necesaria para desarrollar esto, y los permisos para publicar tanto aqu como en w4ttp4d. Segunda parte continuacin de "El pico de los susurros". Their story began long before the dragons danced.When there were neither green nor black. There doesnt seem to be a whole lot of info on any daughters of great and powerful houses during this period of time at least none I can find so it seems the author has the leeway room to create an OC daughter of a great house for the SI to marry. (Call this ridiculous work myself, but it wont harm to self-indulge in this kind of fanfiction.). The day that red snow fell from the sky would be the day the world is covered in ice, or a dragon like no other is born. an au in which alicent dies in labour during her fifth pregnancy and rhaenyra realises the importance of family. This is my first foray into writing fanfiction so any feedback is appreciated. Cunning and strategic is she who has the weight of the world upon her shoulders. A subreddit for fanfiction of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and its HBO Shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. A boy is born many years later. Excerpt of Lives in Parallel: Vaegon Targaryen, Written in the Fifteenth Year of Dragonlord Aemon II by Plaeton Targaryen, Archmaester of History, Citadel of the East. like the other girls, instead she i "Because we were both midnight rain. But then all men must burn. Her mother, Princess Rhaenyra, fought for the Iron Throne against her half-brother, Aegon II, in a bloody ci ~ in which they found love in most unexpected place at most unexpected time After the shock had passed, nobles and knights from all over the realm swore oaths of fealty to the eight year old girl. burn the page, my little dark age the rogue prince didn't care for much, but he cared for his children and he would not let the green one-eyed prince have her [royce/ta. . Born minutes before her twin brother Jacaerys, she has quite the Strong personality. Al principio parecen ser de un simple admirador o tal vez una inocente broma.Pero los regalos comienzan a volverse algo extraos hasta el punto de quitarle el sueo.Lucerys necesitar ayuda para descubrir a su extrao admirador; y qun va a ayudarle es una sorpresa gigante para el joven.-Esta historia existe gracias Kiyoshi Hoffman, del grupo de f4c3book. That's all I can really say I suck at summaries I'll try to make a better one later on, please just read it. A beast more suited for speed and stealth then physical strength. But Annora Tyrell has her own best interest in mind. A man who killed himself because he doesn't want to experience the burden of living got reincarnated to the continent of Westeros, a couple decades before the Dance of the Dragons. She never expected to love the rush sword fighting would give her. Daemon Targaryen Has Feelings Murder Minor Character Death "When the Princess learned she was with child, her uncle immediately set to scouring the Realm and beyond for physicians of repute, eschewing the service of the Maesters of the Citadel. What happens when a child is conceived that night? Everyone said it was a terrible accident, forgiving and forgetting the part that Aemond had played.At age eighteen, his case was reviewed and he was finally able to escape his family.At age nineteen, he was living alone with no contact with the Targaryens as he pieced his life together.At age twenty-two, Luke was beginning a career and finally living a functioning life with his dog, Arrax.At age twenty-three, Luke arrives back in King's Landing. Now, he must prepare for the war he knows will one day come. An emotion that fills all the families of Westeros with hope and ambition, their brains forgetting a fact too crucial for their survival. However, the Gods of Valyria were watching, and decided to step in. Threadmarks Apocrypha Staff Post Much of their noble houses could control and commandeer dragons, a beast seen as untameable and part magic to the ordinary man, but to a dragnolord of Valyria. Aemon Shadows of House Targaryen, Rhaegar's younger brother and the older sibling of Viserys and Daenerys, managed to escape the slaughter only with the help of the powerful men of Westeros. Theres the Valaena Verse, which takes place briefly during Roberts rebellion but then moves to later on. Nothing will ever be the same again. Through unknown means, Sansa Stark finds herself trapped in the year 126 AC, just after Cregan's uprising and reclaiming of his position as Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell. Anything he wants to say seems to dissipate altogether. The SI could talk to Jaehaerys and Alyssa to try to convince them about why it would be in their best interest for Daella to marry Rodrick and Vaegon to marry someone else. Begrudgingly, he accepted that a cripple like her was a charming match for a deformed beast like him. Cregan Stark x Targa For almost her entire life, Daella Targaryen has lived as Mellara Rivers, the bastard daughter of Arnold Arryn and cupbearer of Lady Jeyne Arryn. Through fire or blood, she would make them kneel. the gaeomon redux gave the excuse that the self insert was more of a mind meld between two people instead of a straight body takeover. A subreddit for fanfiction of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and its HBO Shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Eventually he found what he was searching for, bringing out a small, clear pot, full to the brim with a blueish substance. After suffering a terrible accident, Lucerys Velaryon temporarily loses the most recent events in his life.