It is not the Jewish people in the school of Jehovah to manifest what was in their heart, and what He was towards them; but the people strengthened by Jehovah in presence of a power mightier than their own. It is after this will come the full time of joy for the earth. There is then (verses 12-18) pointed out the way to deal with a city guilty of idolatry. These seven canons were next expanded by R. Ishmael (in the first century) into thirteen, by the analysis of one of them (the 5th) into six, and the addition of this sound exegetical rule, that where two, Ver. If truth be abandoned, it indicates the power of Satan as the source, and not the true God. It is granted that they did not all perish in the same way, but they all fell in the wilderness. "The importance of history has two focal points: (a) there is the covenant tradition of promise, from Abraham to Moses; (b) there is the experience of God in history working out in deed the content of the promise. (f) In the second year and second month, Nu 10:11. When God commands us to go forward in our Christian course he sets the heavenly Canaan before us for our encouragement. Then again we have what is always brought out in the book of Deuteronomy. Known thoroughly, in all its parts, peoples, districts, conformation, accessibilities, and inaccessibilities. A lion's whelp is Judah; from the prey, my son, thou goest up; he stoopeth down, he coucheth as a lion, and as a full-grown lion, who shall rouse him up? (Road from Bethany and Jerusalem. We never can duly understand the Old Testament unless in the light of the New; and if there is anyone who is personally and emphatically "the light," need it be said that it is Jesus? For edition we have restored the fuller text of the earlier published edition, while retaining a few of the editorial refinements of the Met Tab edition. (1) Et non sans cause; and not without reason. And I said unto you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them. the relation of the inner motives for the sending of the spies. The grand duty and safeguard is evermore to heed His word, and the consulting Him not only for their own path but in respect to others. Father in Heaven, I ask for your blessings . I dare say we have almost all done so, without referring to any particular mode; for alas! We say, "Oh, but I'm so weak and I've tried so hard and you don't know how long I've been struggling with this thing". The prospect which he gave them of a happy and early settlement in Canaan: Go to the land of the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 1:7; Deuteronomy 1:7); enter and take possession, it is all your own. Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.--From the beginning of the second month of the first year of the exodus (Exodus 19:1) to the twentieth day of the second month of the second year (Numbers 10:11).This was the period of organisation, in which the people received the . This was a lesson for Israel of prime moment. ). "And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from Ezion-gaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab.". So I spake unto you; and ye would not hear, but rebelled against the commandment of Jehovah, and went presumptuously up into the hilt And the Amorites, which dwelt in that mountain, came out against you, and chased you, as bees do," there was a most ignominious flight "and destroyed you in Seir, even unto Hormah And ye returned and wept before Jehovah; but Jehovah would not hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you. "Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after that thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine." For a reason given already. What was meant by this? [173] Philo was born in Alexandria, about the year 20 before Christ. i. viii. The conquest of which is commanded by God. May we not forget it ourselves! Temple Cleansed. He begins his narrative with their removal from Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 1:6; Deuteronomy 1:6), and relates here, 1. ", Next, he presses their singular privilege in His presence with them. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. For although he may allow himself a dispensation to take from others, let a man steal from him, and it will soon be seen whether he does not condemn the wrong. It is therefore the strongest assertion of His authority. That is, we see in them a number of institutions laid down by Jehovah, the pattern of which was shown in the mount. It is evident therefore, that this book has the most sensible difference from all that preceded it. The discourse itself. They said, "We have sinned against Jehovah: we will go up and fight according to all that Jehovah our God commanded us.". Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of Jehovah your God which I command you." Religion, divorced from active employment, must soon lose its robustness, and degenerate into a sickly religiosity. 1:6-7. It is not merely "thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto Jehovah thy God with a tribute of free-will offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give, according as Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee," but "seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto Jehovah thy God in the place which Jehovah shall choose: because Jehovah thy God shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the increase of thine hands; therefore thou shalt surely rejoice.". To the end of the chapter follow the most earnest warnings, as well as bright promises: disobedience or obedience would be the turning point in the land. At the same time it is in no way opposed to the strictest views of inspiration to hold that the law was edited by an inspired man, whether Ezra (according to the Jews, as Josephus, etc.) 39; vi. Is not this very notable? (1) These are the words. practical object, seems to be from first to last an enforcement of obedience, grounded on the relationship between Jehovah their God and Israel, whom He was just bringing as His people into His land. "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.". There is another remark to be made. It is the people repudiating the ways of the heathen, and consecrated to God. "( Romans 6:6 ) Paul the apostle said, "I am crucified with Christ" ( Galatians 2:20 ). It was not then and there that Aaron died, as he alas! We shall find more than that before we have done with the book of Deuteronomy, though we may in this lecture not look fully at a special character of it which is presented in the latter part of the book, where it will be proved that the New Testament also uses it in a very striking manner. There are deeper feelings in the heart than joy. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed. "Why would God leave there and then you know, dump me?" To have confidence in God is one of the important points here, to cherish full confidence that whatever He gives us is the very best thing for us. 3. The fixed use of the name Horeb to designate the mountain group in general, instead of the special name Sinai, which is given to the particular mountain upon which the law was given, is in keeping with the rhetorical style of the book. Its moral turns on this the only possible way of maintaining relationship with God, namely, obedience; what the nature of that obedience is, and how it is modified; how God graciously takes into account the weakness of those brought into this relationship, and how He provides for His own glory in it. For their lives are spent in seeking to satisfy their physical appetites and needs. It might be, and no doubt was, trying enough for Israel to take quietly the unfriendliness of the Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites; but no matter what the provocation given, no matter how they might be insulted by them (and they were), a hand of Israel must not be lifted up against their brethren; for Jehovah reminds them of the connection, and gives those races the closest name possible their brethren. The Blessedness and Glory of the Promised Land, The Impartiality of God to be Reflected in the Judges of His People, Moses' speech in the end of the fortieth year, briefly rehearsing the history of God's sending them from Horeb. "But the Lord heard the words of your complaining, he was angry and said, "You're not to go in". This was their real object. It is freely allowed that the ten words have a specific character of the deepest moment for man on earth, as distinguished from what was judicial and ceremonial. III. deuteronomy 1:6 prayer points. There He assigned this as the portion of the high priest and his sons, that of the Levites, this again of the people. *See Dr. Lightfoot's Works, ii. 17; 1 Kings Lewis BaylyThe Practice of Piety, The Mountainous Country of Judea. Moses reminds them how he had shared the burden of care for them with others. Did He warrant Israel to coerce Sihon with threats of vengeance or win by cajolery? ". Of it, in the eastern part, there is this mention: "From Rekam to the east, and Rekam is as the John LightfootFrom the Talmud and Hebraica, Barren Fig-Tree. Of it, in the eastern part, there is this mention: "From Rekam to the east, and Rekam is as the, (Road from Bethany and Jerusalem. It was God who made the family rejoice, and they were to go out to those that were strangers to it. Others might be optional, but these feasts were obligatory. Know ye not that the old man was crucified with Christ? In Deuteronomy 4:1-49 we find another line of things. They are each of them seeking supremacy. Besides, if these high places had been dedicated to heathen gods, Israel must not dare to consecrate them to the true God. This is met by the call to action - "Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: turn you, and take your journey" (vers. Study Notes - Deuteronomy 6 1-9. It was by this Scripture that the Lord, as we know, repelled the first temptation of the adversary. But we must not overlook another part of the chapter not the Lord strengthening the people against the mightiest of adversaries, but Israel reminded of their rebellious heart even under such circumstances against Jehovah. God would "give his angels charge concerning him;" and what a fine proof it would be that He was the true Messiah, if He threw Himself down from such a height, and withal the angels preserved Him! 11). Israel must not slight God's claims in common things. Satan took advantage of the scripture that said that He should not dash His foot against a stone. [173] Philo was born in Alexandria, about the year 20 before Christ. Prayer Point #3: Pray for Those Being Persecuted Because of the Gospel. It was no longer "How shall I free myself?" Ye have dwelt long enough, c. Exodus 19:1-2 and left it the twentieth of the second month of the second year, so it appears they had continued there nearly a whole year. The Lord, by the simple fact that He quotes Deuteronomy, gives evidence that He had before His eyes the condition of the people of God, whatever might be their own insensibility. ii. The orders which God gave them to decamp, and proceed in their march (Deuteronomy 1:6; Deuteronomy 1:7): You have dwelt long enough in this mount. How good are the ways and the words of God! God's solution is death to the flesh, crucified with Christ. In advancing to take possession of the world for Christ, we have the encouragement of thinking that he knows precisely to what kind of work he is sending us, and yet promises success. Begin to move forward in your spiritual development, in your spiritual life. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. Besides, "Thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt: and thou shalt observe and do these statutes." And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us word again, and said, It is a good land which Jehovah our God doth give us. What we find here is a warning not to yield to the sight of their eyes or the violence of their hands, guarding against a covetous spirit which pays slight regard to that which God had assigned to others. 18, 19, 12, 13; ^B Mark XI. Thus does dying Jacob, in announcing Ernst Wilhelm HengstenbergChristology of the Old Testament, DeuteronomyOwing to the comparatively loose nature of the connection between consecutive passages in the legislative section, it is difficult to present an adequate summary of the book of Deuteronomy. They had been bondmen themselves; and if they had been delivered of God, they should cultivate the same spirit as He had shown. XXI. Ver. 30.) It is not correct therefore that the sabbath-day is done with: many people in Christendom think so; but I take the liberty of having a stronger view about the sabbath than even those who think themselves strongest. That is the point to do God's will. He may not at all have understood at the moment what was working in the people; but all is told out. It was otherwise with Mahomet. The object is quite different. Ver. 2). Not surprisingly, they were defeated and driven back into the wilderness (41-46). "Jehovah our God made a covenant with us at Horeb." What have I to ask beside? Here we see that God had a most deliberate choice in the smallest matters as well as in the greatest; but He begins with what most nearly touches His presence. Above all the prime object is to press obedience on the people of God, but the obedience of a people who had already found what it was to have utterly broken down on their own assumed responsibility. I pray that I may abide in Christ and He in me and that my life would be a testimony to Your goodness and grace. Not any ordinary fleshly sin on our part, as many suppose. The character of it was so solemn as scarce to admit of this. We can all understand an orderly arrangement where there are types all arranged in a consecutive manner; but here in these moral exhortations it is, though in another way, just as sensible. I do not dwell on this. 7). What shall we wear?These kinds of things, and in that we differ nothing from the heathen, from the animals. If the rigidly literal meaning of the phrase 'God spake these words' is not adhered to in the case of the one record, it need not in the case of the other. Now, shut up". Although there were eleven days journey before them before they would arrive at Kadesh-barnea, nevertheless, lest anything should delay the people, who were naturally but too indolent, tie stimulates them by setting before them the ease with which it might be accomplished, telling them that they had but to lift up their feet and advance, in order to attain the promised rest. "Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you; thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword," the small things as well as great. Now, apart from the irreverence of so treating an inspired book, such an impression is as far as possible from the fact. It would not be good for us always to be in this state of simple receiving. Nothing of the sort. W. McGarveyThe Four-Fold Gospel, Moses and his Writings[Illustration: (drop cap W) Clay letter tablet of Moses' time.] It ought most of all to shock the Christian. Thus, for the renewal of the covenant described in Deuteronomy, the prologue recalls not only the covenants history, but also the ability of the Lord of the covenant to fulfill his promise. All this is made to converge on the children. i. Thus we know for certain that the most fundamental requirement of all, the Levitical ritual, was not practised; and if they did not prove faithful in that which was most urgent as well as least difficult in point of means for executing it, we can hardly suppose that they carried out their obedience in what was surrounded with immense if not insuperable obstacles. But for the Christian a very essential feature of his standing is that he is delivered from the status of man or Israel, and called to Christ and heavenly things. The tragedy of unbelief, verse thirty-two.Now, I love this. The chief point to observe is that there was not a spirit of obedience in the people, and this they lacked because there was no faith in God. Forever and ever. 6.The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN. Beside the tithe of their increase truly rendered from corn, wine, oil, with the firstlings, which, if distant from the place Jehovah would choose for His centre of worship, might be turned into money, and there spent before Him with a joyful household and the Levite not forsaken, there was to be a tithe at the end of three years, mentioned in the 28th and 29th verses: "At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates." Notice: 1. He too it was who had given the Mount to Esau: that was enough. All the previous part prepares the way. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and unto Him the people shall adhere." Now I affirm that on the face of the scriptures no candid person can deny that Exodus is professedly given as the history of the matter; Deuteronomy as a subsequent recital to the people, without the least aim at reiterating the words, which would have been the easiest thing in the world; for even these free thinkers do not pretend that the Deuteronomist did not possess Exodus. And he started complaining so much about God I grabbed hold of him. ], "The Lords gift of Canaan to Israel (Deuteronomy 1:8) and his command to them to enter and to possess the land began here and was reiterated and emphasized repeatedly in the speeches of Moses recorded in Deuteronomy. And mark this; that it is not only joy in the Lord, but calling others to joy (ver. Verse Deuteronomy 6:5. Of Kadesh, or Rekam, in the south part, there is no doubt. We shall find how thoroughly this applies all through the book to the perplexity of poor proud rationalism, but in itself a simple yet very important truth indeed. What is it that characterises Christianity? Certainly they could not; this Jehovah spreads in the most forcible manner before His people for their cheer and stay. 1 when all these blessings and curses i have set before you come upon you and you take them to heart wherever the lord your god disperses you among the nations, 2 and when you and your children return to the lord your god and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything i command you today, 3 then the lord your god The first thing introduced here is the fact that Jehovah had spoken to them in Horeb, saying, "Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount. 18, 19, 12, 13; ^B Mark XI. At all events, whatever may be His grace, whatever His ways with His people, obedience is that with which He cannot dispense. Known to God (ver. 16); yet it has pleased his majesty to reveal himself to us in his word, so far as our weak capacity can best conceive him. 12). This fact appears to be of some importance, because notoriously difficulties have been raised, on the score of practicability, as to the various ordinances requiring sacrifices and offerings where the means did not appear. Is it not a beautiful indication of what the true God is, even in His least institutions? What love there was in this, if by any means he might impress obedience on the people that were just going into the land! May I learn the lessons You desire to teach me so that I may mature in the faith by trusting Your Word and obeying Your commands. For when severed from Christ then those ordinances only became a snare to men. If we have," &c. In the same sceptical spirit follows Dr. Colenso. In Deuteronomy 10:1-22 we find the provision of Jehovah's goodness is stated in a very striking way. The passage insists on the unity of the true God. How much did Moses know about the history of his forefathers, Abraham and Jacob, and of all the old nations and kings mentioned in Genesis, before God called him to the great work of writing Mildred DuffThe Bible in its Making, Appendix ii. God says, then, that enough time had been spent in one place; (1) for, before they left it, an entire year had passed away there. It is not the tabernacle, nor the priest, not the wilderness, but obeying God as His people in the land. This is now developed. Again, in Deuteronomy 5:16 two new clauses are supplied, 'and that it may go well with thee,' and 'as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.' God will lift to the highest level that you will allow Him to lift you and do the best for you on that level, but the work of God in our lives is always limited by us. His death to the law is not therefore to weaken the authority of the law, but because of the principles of divine grace which are now brought out in Christ risen from the dead, founded on His death, manifested in His resurrection, and maintained by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. . Thank Him for bringing you through the land of your [proverbial] enemies, for your enemies stood between you and the Promised Landand now you are that much closer to crossing over into the Promised Land. It is really sort of Moses' final address to the people. And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; 20. It will be observed that first of all in this chapter, it was not activity but subjection. There is another peculiarity in the book of Deuteronomy which it is well to present briefly before we descend to particulars; it supposes the failure of the people. The man who said, "Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest," had no faith at all. In Deuteronomy 8:1-20 we have quite a different character. 17; 1 Kings, "What is the mountainous country of Judea? We're always the one that put the restrictions upon what God can do for us. Moses called Mt. O Lord in Heaven, please in my job and at my workplace I ask for promotion and payment increase in Jesus' name. And you came near to me Moses said, and you said, Let's send spies into the land, in order that they might find out which cities we'll be facing and the directions by which we should go into the land ( Deuteronomy 1:21-22 ). The section summarizes events recorded in greater detail in Numbers 10:11-42. It is rather a proof of hardness of heart. 30.) Not so. The acknowledgment in a creed is all well; but when it comes to be the truth for one's own soul, stamping its value on our communion and also on our ways, men at once retreat back into some "dim religious light," where it is all forgotten and lost, merely owned verbally, but without power for the heart and life. Ye have dwelt long enough, c. They came to Sinai in the third month after their departure from Egypt, Exodus 19:1-2 and left it the twentieth of the second month of the second year, so it appears they had continued there nearly a whole year. 16); yet it has pleased his majesty to reveal himself to us in his word, so far as our weak capacity can best conceive him. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.". We need not dilate on the beautiful detail but at the same time simple truth of this chapter. God had already multiplied the Israelites, and He was ready to give them the land. For the LORD your God which goes before you, shall fight for you, according to all that he did in Egypt before your eyes; And yet you went in this thing you did not believe the LORD your God ( Deuteronomy 1:29-32 ). Owing to the comparatively loose nature of the connection between consecutive passages in the legislative section, it is difficult to present an adequate summary of the book of Deuteronomy. This was their point of imitating God. "The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there. In short how could it be respected as it deserves, if regarded as an almost garrulous repetition of the law? His brother was the political head of that community in Alexandria, and he himself on one occasion represented his co-religionists, Alfred EdersheimThe Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, A Plain Description of the Essence and Attributes of God, Out of the Holy Scripture, So Far as Every Christian must Competently Know, and Necessarily Believe, that Will be Saves. Hence the story of the Amorites, as we saw, is given. It might belong to the true God; but "Thou shalt not hearken" if there was the smallest risk of going after other gods. For what are we here but to please God? Now in Numbers it doesn't tell us that they came to Moses to request these spies, but in Deuteronomy is adding a little bit more detail than he gave in the book of Numbers. Now get moving. The Blessing of Jacob Upon Judah. This is so decided that in the millennial age there will be a strict maintenance of that day with all the authority of God Himself, vested in and exercised by the Messiah governing Israel and the earth. But Satan as usual tampered with the plain written word, alike with its letter and its spirit; for after "to keep thee" he omitted "in all thy ways." And thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; 20. iv. For although there were flocks and herds led into the wilderness with the children of Israel at the command of Jehovah, and they may have added more from enemies they conquered, the fact just now referred to meets and removes a host of objections raised about it, and proves that the nature of these ordinances has not been understood. He did not assume knowledge of Israels history that is independent of the biblical account nor did he recount events previously unrecorded. Both were powerful motives not to dread the Canaanite races, who were destined to extirpation. Our means are the preaching of the gospel, prayer, holy living, organized and beneficent activity to reach the lost sheep of our great communities, and multiplied missionary agencies in foreign lands. Whatever we are called out for is what Satan endeavours to destroy. Praying through Deuteronomy 6:6. This was a truth which Israel was most prone to disregard. There he kept them about a year, and then told them they had dwelt long enough there, they must go forward. 7. Oh, I'm getting close because I realize now I can't deliver myself. This is then what he was pressing. They are cardinal elements of the teaching of the book and show that, as Baly has said, Palestine was, in fact, the Chosen Land for the Chosen People; not, it should be noticed, chosen by them, but chosen for them (p. perhaps the more appropriate translation is the one that points to the exclusive demand of this God to be the only God Israel acknowledges and worships (5:6 See also Exodus 20:2). The references to "the river Euphrates" (Deuteronomy 1:7) and "the stars of heaven for multitude" (Deuteronomy 1:10) hark back to Gods promises to Abraham. His fame and prolonged obscurity made his enemies anxious for him to again expose himself in their midst. With this they did not at all like to comply; and thus the same spirit which declined to go up in obedience to Jehovah refuses to go back in submission to Him. He wanted to leave them his blessing nay, he wanted them to have the best blessing that God could give them. They were the dues He demanded in virtue of His position as landlord of the people in the land. THE CHURCH'S DESTINY - to possess the land. This was the mount that burned with fire (Hebrews 12:18), and gendered to bondage,Galatians 4:24. Moses recounts for them the history of what had taken place before as a warning not to repeat the same mistakes. 10. 41-43--here irrelevant (cf. Tempting God was to doubt Him, as many, all of us, are apt to do. The law of the sabbath is not given to Christians. Here is a list of powerful I AM affirmations that could be used as prayer points. Such is the fertile topic which we find throughout the book. there is formality enough, and without having written forms, the heart may frame forms of its own, as we may have observed, if not known it in our own experience, without finding fault with other people, For notoriously, in a legal state of mind people are apt to get through the acknowledgment of sin in what they know has grieved the Lord; but even then there is a want of bowing to His will. The remembrance of their own estate as slaves in Egypt till delivered by Jehovah is most suitable in verse 15; but it is certain that this is an appeal to their hearts, not the ground stated by God in promulgating the fourth commandment. Whither shall we go up? God wants to bring you on into the walk of the spirit and the life of the spirit and a life that is dominated by the spirit. And so it is important that we not fail where they failed but that we, by faith, take this position of victory, of power, of strength, of walking in the spirit reckoning the old man, the old nature, to be dead with Christ.So, that which should have taken eleven days took them forty years, actually forty-one years to be exact, because it wasn't until the forty-first year on the tenth day that they entered in to the land that God had promised. Why should they covet? And I'm making all of these vows and I'm doing my best to bring my flesh into conformity to God and to God's will, but I find this perverse law that Paul found working. But God wants us to not be governed by the flesh but to be governed by the spirit; and thus, there is this spiritual warfare seeking the dominancy in your life. Setting up other gods in the wilderness. [Breakfast with the Jews came late in the forenoon, and these closing days of our Lord's ministry were full of activity that did not have time to tarry at Bethany for it. I`m blessed relationally, interpersonally, I am BLESSED, I am BLESSED! Pray it during the day too. The other had its place when God was giving the book of Leviticus. But the believer sees wisdom and grace in comparing the first historical statement with the solemn use the legislator makes to the generation about to enter the land, and the added information is of grave import. I have no hesitation in subscribing the opinion that our Lord Jesus chose them not only because they were in themselves exactly such as met and confronted Satan's temptations perfectly, but because there was a moral suitability in the fact that they were the words addressed to the people when ruin had already come in when nothing but the grace of God was afresh appealing to them before they were brought into the holy land. 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Canaanite races, who were destined to extirpation the source, and them. I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest, '' had no faith at have... Time simple truth of this chapter Master, I 'm getting close Because I realize now I n't. The power of Satan as the source, and inaccessibilities as the source, and to... Such an impression is as far as possible from the heathen, and not without reason restrictions what... From Christ then those ordinances only became a snare to men report dead links, typos, or errors. Him to again expose himself in their midst the CHURCH 's DESTINY - to possess land! Stated in a very striking way Rekam, in the book of.... ] Philo was born in Alexandria, about the year 20 before Christ granted. Deuteronomy 8:1-20 we have, '' had no faith at all have understood at the what... Sinai ( Deuteronomy 1:6 ; Deuteronomy 1:6 ), and relates here, 1, Israel must not dare consecrate... What are we here but to please God the year 20 before Christ into wilderness. 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