Just like you drinking a lot of water is not helping.. but what stood out for me was the cough and clearing your throat..this is happening to me too! The individual symptoms differ from one person to another. And I hope you are able to find a doctor who can help you. That is the cause of the smell in my case. I am convinced it's stress as doing exams at the moment and it's really bad. Do either of you see a neurologist? Have you spoke to your GP about it? I was making dinner for my Hubby and it had a few different spice's in it. They have no answers for me, no where else to take and sort out my problem, hence coming on a forum to ask anyone if there is anything new. However, this chronic pain condition creates a, Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome that can cause widespread pain in the body. Others just see lazy. Michelle P. The fatigue. In Columns, Tender Points - a Column by Christine Lynch. Here's what could be causing that stinky pee, and how to address each issue. Urinary and pelvic complaints are common symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly in women with the disease. I have been suffering the same thing for a while and I have been searching for an answer on my own for a couple of years now. Gp.ENT.Neurologist.. 'cant find anything wrong' 'poss psychosomatic' blah blah. I used to love cooking too - cooking was something creative that I could enjoy despite being housebound most of the time but now.. Well I find all the joy has gone from it. The disinfectants they use often leave a strong-smelling residue. In open in closed room, on the train and in the car. Asparagus. Until one day my daughter told me that I should go to the Dr. cause maybe it was something wrong with my brain that its playing trick on me and or confusing me and those things happened to menopausal women. My tongue is like a sponge and it soaks up fluid inc. saliver hence I have to keep spraying with an oily based solution, it doesn,t matter how much I drink it gets no better. Perhaps my random info will help somebody- thats my hope anyway. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It's a mystery! We'll never know. I agonized over my decision to take action, but I finally had no choice. All rights reserved. Just drink 30-40 oz of water a day ! I have'nt been eating any of those vegs.lately. I know this because in the past 6 weeks, I have been in 3 different countries (business travel), in a variety of hotels, and in my house and my mother's house. Mix a 1:1 solution in a spray bottle and liberally spray the affected areas, and then let it sit until it dries. Yea, it was just me. Seek immediate treatment for bad smelling urine if you experience the following. For example, asparagus can lead to a strong odor in the urine. Do you mind me asking what your disorder for the strange smell is? Brain cancer supposedly does that to the senses. I no this doesn't help much. I got it after I was sick, It started a few weeks ago and I am in the same boat. A doctor. Pus and/or blood from the infection may also contribute to the strong smell. The condition continues. Other symptoms may include: Muscle and joint stiffness. It now smells like a wood fire has been put out by water and seems to burn the inside of my nose too. .. horrible. But now I am not on any prescription meds and the musty burnt smell has been with me for a couple of weeks. I had thought it was the couch in my house, something in the vents in my car, etc. I know you are not supposed to use nasal sprays every day, but my use increased to 3 - 4 times a day [like a junkie lol], every day. I am an ex-smoker, quit in 2008 after living away and clothes smelling so bad of smoke that the kids wouldn't come near me, no aid at all in quitting, I just quit dead without any hesitation. She's had success with medication, but I'm not quite ready to try that yet. The exhaustion. When symptoms temporarily increase in number or intensity, it is called a flare or flare-up. I then remember going overboard more than usual then, so it was possibly in October and triggered off this problem and I have burnt incense on charcoal (more sensibly in 2015 without a problem. It is interesting that these things may be linked . That would be the smart and responsible thing to do. I notice that if I eat starchy food, bread, potatoes, or fatty food, cheese, dairy, milk, meat. I have since had surgery in 2006 and have been free and clear of all symptoms! Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. Regarding the burning smell mentioned earlier, this can be caused by an infection in the nostril. Sometimes I feel like I could go crazy too! Now toldI need an MRI.. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Everything is just getting so much better. Later I felt that the smell is from my clothes because i use to get it in the train, walking out on the road or at my desk at work. I know i will.!! You can find even more stories on our Home page. i randomly ended up here while looking for answers to my own smell related problem. Dont we have a bizarre condition?! I have a cyst. I thought it might be the result of a sinus rinse I have been using for 2 or 3 years. Urinary tract infection: Bacteria in the urinary tract can cause an infection along with smelly urine. Medications that may help reduce fibromyalgia pain and improve sleep include: Talking therapies such as CBT aim to alter the way a person thinks about things and may help tackle fibromyalgia in a more positive way. It makes no sense. I cant sit, stand or walk for more than 30 minutes at a time. You might find this research interesting, as autism and autism spectrum also involve hypersensitivity.http://www.oapublishinglondon.com/article/611 We are surrounded by a solvent world worst than almost any time in history with neurotoxic and cancer causing capabilities thus the cellular increase in illnesses. Urine may have a putrid or somewhat fishy smell. Post here your emails address and I will open a free blog teaching you all to treat this horrible thing for good . I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. Interstitial cystitis is a type of bladder pain syndrome. So pleased to see that there are so many persons having the same kind of experience I am having. Bless his heart, hes learning right along with me. Although I told my GP & a specialist nothing has ever been resolved as to why this is occurring & while it's improved a little it still affects me quite a lot. But out of interest i would ask people near to you just incase. Which was a totally disgusting job. I have had to cut my hours back at work and Im barely making it by. The smell came back about a month later and I went to my GP. I too have Fibromyalgia and Asthma. I didn't know it was as common as it appears to be here.drives me nuts. It's one of the ways that expert sniffers or people that judge scents separate one scent from another. Its over 100 degrees out so every place has the AC cranked up and Im trying to warm my hands enough to have feeling in them. Kristi R. Spasms. If you read my responses to the others that have answered me above, you will get more insight to my problems. Hope it helps but if not hope you get some help soon. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. Read The Mightys comprehensive guide to fibromyalgia here. First, hormonal changes can change the smell of your pee and cause you to pee more. Then boom, a day, week. Hi, I have been getting this for years now. Other triggers include lack of sleep, weather changes, and hormone imbalances. Same problem with cooking.guessing at spices and needing someone to test-taste. It is frequently found in people with fibromyalgia. LOL! Update 2/11: I started noticing when and how do I get the smell. | Try looking up "Phantosmia" to help you with what you are dealing with, because I am not clinically trained to deal with anything. Good luck, and try a bit of menthol under your nose. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. I too, have the same exact problem. I've got a couple of young children but my stress level hasn't changed really. She said if she breathed through a bedsheet or her shirt it helped. Sometimes I get a migraine, others Ill immediately get fatigued or dizzy. Where I was most stressful but it is following me it is a aweful smell, and annoying. I have also had this problem from time to time. Fell free to message me at pennelldedra@yahoo.com if I can help answer any questions or provide any support! I received counselling to help me deal with being harassed/bullied at this job and in my own time [stalked] whilst being employed. I started smelling poop all of the sudden for a while every now and then and after sometime it change to like the smell of wet dirt after it rains the weird thing was, that it was summer and I was inside my house. My issue i am smelling brewing coffee every day in my room and its driving me nuts. People with fibromyalgia often complain that they are very prone to experiencing side effects from most medicines. I hate cigarette smoke. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The list of things to which I am sensitive is getting longer and longer. It's not nobody else smells it. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. Other possible causes for cloudy urine include: Dehydration. Wow. Nothing helped. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. I happened to see two posts, one was Livingwater who mentioned having the problem after a BBQ (presumably charcoal used) and Pattid has mentioned chemical sensitivity. There is no cure for fibromyalgia. Good luck. Smelling weird smell is driving me nuts. My senses have become so amplified, but the strong smells were not expected. I could taste the smell all night and choked back nausea until morning. Reducing the risk of flare ups and practicing self care can improve symptoms and overall quality of life. So either someone is around you smoking if even outside of your window. Devin Starlanyl, M.D. Many people with fibromyalgia find themselves unable to work or resume a normal standard of living. I noticed when I chewed nicorette gum. I have had the very same problems after a cold last spring, and am still hopeful that it will improve. The back and leg pain. Find out how foods and, Fibromyalgia is more common in women than in men, so men might find it harder to get a diagnosis. The woodfire smell is strong. 7. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. I am wondering if your situation is being caused by the same sort of thing. The smell over the days decreased, but did not go away completely. Was it because out of the whole 120 employees, i received 8 customer service awards for doing the right thing and knowing my stuff in a short 9 months of being there? I even washed my coat thinking that its the coat. I need to nap to get through the day. Kirsten M. R. Exhaustion and seclusion. I am not going to look up any more research about charcoal or incense to scare myself silly. Thanks for the tip about the T shirt - I shall give that a try. I sometimes go for longs spans of time without the symptombut lately have it once a week. All the time. I am trying to think if I've heard of anyone with similar experience, but at the moment I can't. You are destined to turn out to be very watchful about the scents and cause you to grow into exceptionally sensitive over nothing. Trouble sleeping. My poor husband loves candles . Functional incontinence - This is normal bladder control but the person just cannot get to the bathroom in time as the result of illness or age. That I can't get rid of. Have you tried to flush out the nostrils using a neti pot? It lasted for a few days and then went away so I thought nothing of it. I thought I was losing my mind. Bacteria can contaminate urine. I have severe migraines but I suffered from a concussion 2 years ago, but I noticed over the past 6 months the smell of damp cigarettes or old ashtrays or tobacco, first it was mainly at work. Physical and emotional stress are the most common triggers of fibromyalgia flares. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. I keep hoping that one day the problem will lessen or go. The first time it happened, I had moved into my new house and I thought it was the AC. The stress of coping with a condition can also lead to anxiety and depression. Candida overgrowth symptoms can include fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, sinus infections, recurring yeast infections, mild depression, joint pain, and much more. Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. Home; Begin I told him it was hypersensery overload. I cant say if the regular smell was before that. I have not been dx with fibromyalgia. However, the pain associated with fibromyalgia tends to fluctuate and worsen. Tenderness to touch. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. My sense of smell is poor, before was very good and extremely sensitive, i'm over it. My husband can't smell anything only me and i thought i would be the only one with such a strange issue. The strangest thing is, today for instance, i smelled it maybe once or twice and it was very faint and has lasted about 3-5 minutes. I am highly sensitive to smells as they can trigger migraines for me, but to have it all the time must be hell, especially if it's smokey. That's another story.. I'm in Perth Western Australia, cheers..! Goodrays UK CBD gummies are packed with 25mg of premium quality CBD. I also started a new medication and vitamins around the same time as smelling this smell. What happens is that by breathing toxic chemicals it will damage your tissues and cause a necrose in it making your cells to switch off and being invaded by these onco bactrias and onco-parasitic fungai ! Some fibromyalgia sufferers find that they have to urinate as frequently as every 20 minutes. These types of issues.seem to be better understood by doctors in the field of neurology. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor. It was too long to read but interestingly, they have studied people who regularly attend e.g. Or it is the association that is getting in there overwhelming you. I'm wondering if it has something to do with too much mineral contact from the nuts. But feel confident you're on a site where others will have very similar experience xx, I am going for another check up CT scan from my sinus in this month I am sure it is not from my sinus because I already had CT scan but the doctor do not accept that I do not have tonsile stone too, the doctor said I do not have tonsil stone, serioslly I am made and there is not any doctor to cure me, I hope one day I become well and have a good life. I will report what, if anything they have found on here as soon as i know. Omg I have been smelling an odd smell for years and have recently connected it to stress, I have not met anyone with the same problem , it drives me crazy, people look at me as if I'm mad when I say what I'm experiencing, I also put my head down my top sometimes , it's also worse at home especially when I'm in bed. I thought it was just me, had no idea it was because of the fibro! And, it is getting stronger. The inability to regulate your own body temperature is frustrating. Rachel P. As a 27-year-old woman [with] both fibromyalgia and. I just can't work out what triggers it off. Maintaining proper nutrition will help boost energy levels and help avoid other health problems. Even today, some doctors wave off fibro symptoms as being all in your head. This isnt the case. I'm not on any medication, so no side effects. But to this day I still have strange smells in my nose. The main cause of the smell is bacterial overgrowth. Methods: The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was made according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. I, too, feel like I'm going crazy! Maintaining good posture habits, stretching, and relaxation exercises may also help. Scores of 15-30 are considered a decreased of sense of smell, while less than 15 is a loss of sense of smell. Bladder incontinence, urinary frequency, and painful sexual intercourse are just a few of the urinary disorders and pelvic symptoms that fibromyalgia can cause. Thanks for the tip see if I can get some of that stuff your wife got from the chemist.. Hello everyone. on hospitals and ENT and no one helped. And it is ongoing.The odd part of this was that I could only smell it in my bedroom and not in any other room in the house. In the past, it was mischaracterized as a mental health disorder. Nursing State Senator Sparks Outrage, Says Nurses "Play Cards . I can barely smell things, although I had exceptional sense of smell. Hey foggy, i too suffered with Migraines for years and they went away when i stopped taking anti-depressant medication, which i was on for about 20 years. Sometimes I get the cigar smell but generally it is a smell I can not describe. However, symptoms may vary among individuals. Moreover, the condition is common among women. I don't know if the smell I am unable to rid my brain of is real or insanity. The first site I came to was a research. I have not come up with any solutions. Scientists estimate that around 4 million adults in the United States have fibromyalgia. Keeping activity levels as even as possible provides the best outcome. However, today, it's driving me insane, hence searching the net for any extra info i might have missed and stumbling on this site and writing this post. Also, do you still have THE smell? Thanks to the internet, I no longer need to troll the grocery stores smelly soap aisle for my odor-free products. Hi, I read your problem with the smell. People think youre lazy, but my legs literally want to give out! Meena N. I love being active and going places like the zoo or amusement parks with friends. So I opened another tab and checked out any concerns around burning charcoal and incense. They smelled a little strong to me but not that big of a deal. I became suicidal due to pain levels, couldn't walk 10 meters. Im not talking about skunks here. She bought me a kit called 'NeilMed Sinus Rinse' and it came with 60 sachets of saline/bicarb rinse. I wonder if it's driven by my anxiety and panic disorder! The pain and/or fatigue is more than I can deal with some days and I have to cancel out on something I really wanted to do! Jan S. P. When there [are] too many people talking at once or too much noise my head goes into overdrive and I become so stressed like I could explode. I live in an apartment building second floor. I use a lot of Post-it notes and set reminders for just about everything. Bee E. Not being able to process what someone is saying to you and then looking rude for asking what they said more than once because to your brain they may as well be speaking gibberish. Dani S. Definitely the brain fog. Often causes are migraines and other such stress, or trauma as you may be undergoing, as well as numerous olfactory disorders. If symptoms get better after ruling out a certain type of food, they may well be connected to fibromyalgia symptoms. this also led me to quit smoking since it smelt so foul so double win haha. Easily fixed with a cream applied a few times a day. But since I don't like to take drugs, I have done the following: boiled chamomille flowers and made tea and with a dropper put 2 drops in each nostril every night before going to bed. I'm glad i am not the only one who can smell things, i thought i was going mad. It wasn't. I am a 63 y/o male and I have had this same problem of always smelling smoke, as if someone is burning firewood somewhere. It can also disrupt your sleep, causing you to wake up suddenly. I dont hesitate to inform the staff that I would prefer to wait in the waiting room. Does anyone have issues with cooking odors? Fibromuscular dysplasia appears most commonly in the arteries leading to the kidneys and brain. I know what you mean about missing scents of either flowers or perfumes. youtube.com/watch?v=EDSlUuA(Not working as expected?). Smelling Urine when None Is Around I have fibromyalgia and when I am experiencing a flare in and around the bladder, urine smells like burnt rubber. The stench was dizzying to me. The exhaustion. Moderation is the key. It never ends. THank you. He asked if I thought something was going to happen to me. I have had myself checked.. blood tests and urine tests.. everything comes out to be fine. This probably won't help but I will tell you anyway because for about 30 years I have suffered from a feeling of extreme heat in my left leg. Sorry, just my meds making me sound like it! Garnet D. When someone goes to touch me, I always flinch because I know its going to hurt. Amanda P. When I have to tell people please dont hug me goodbye or hello because it hurts too much. Audrey M. Loss of grip and movement in my hand resulting in numerous dropped jars. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. I have very similar experiences. I decided to sign up to share this because a lot of people like to burn incense on little charcoals. It happened inside the house, outside and in hot or cold weather. Do not put in when is hot just warm to the touch. Health conditions, medications, supplements, the food you eat, and dehydration can all affect the smell of your urine. Obstetrics and Gynecology 36 years experience. Diagnosing other conditions It's also possible to have other conditions alongside your fibromyalgia, such as: depression anxiety The same damn odor chases me around everywhere. Long story short, operation was carried out a few days ago and although I'm in early days of recovery, I can once again smell!! I have gone through all the comments but sadly none of you guys seem to have this figured out. I want to know what to do to make it go away, its nauseating. Difficulty Focusing I hate Fibro!! I have started to smell soot!!. You have extreme fatigue, ongoing thirst, and increased urination: Along with a strangely sweet smell to the urine You have back pain: Along with chills, fever, and foul-smelling urine that looks pink or red You have ongoing fatigue with yellowing of the . home but we had mold in air conditioners where crawl space got wet. I can confirm that I have not felt this smell before or even if I did it was so rare i can't remember. The doctor has no idea what the problem is. It serves me right because I went overboard 10 days ago and the smell of burning started. Phenylketonuria. Probably didn't need it, but woke up with 1 blocked nostril this morning. I dont eat ham but the smell in urine started after I had ham. It's great if you can break those things down into candy sweet, or artificial air-freshener sweet, Fruity sweet.. and the more descriptive that you can be about it, the longer you can retain your sense of smell. That does not make the smell go away. But there is definitely a commonality here. <3. fibromyalgia urine smell Doctors do not know what is the cause of Fibromyalgia, but it likely involves a number of factors working together. Very common (10% or more): Nausea (up to 30%), constipation (up to 15%), dry mouth (up to 15%), vomiting (up to 15%), abdominal pain (up to 13%), diarrhea (up to 13%) Common (1% to 10%): Dyspepsia, flatulence, loose stools, oral paresthesia, stomach discomfort, viral gastroenteritis /gastroenteritis Symptoms may also include lack of energy (fatigue), sleep problems, depression, headaches, and other problems. Ive been down with pain from arthritis and 2 weeks ago , i woke up to this dreadful smell. Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia. I smell and taste Smoke when I breathe in. MRI scans have shown nothing they didn't expect to see although I DO have a rare pituitary condition that started many years ago while this problem is fairly recent. I am still researching it. This is why it's so annoying now and I do wonder if it is psychological sometimes (yeah AM I going nuts?) Anyway, the worst part is i can't find a solution. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, The amazing story of hepatitis C, from discovery to cure, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction. This symptom causes you to feel as if you have to urinate constantly, and can result in you having to visit the washroom several times a day. It gives migraines, tightness in throat breathing problems, irritability. Sorry, just my meds making me sound like it! Garnet D. When someone goes to touch me, I always flinch because I know its going to hurt. Amanda P. When I have to tell people please dont hug me goodbye or hello because it hurts too much. Audrey M. Loss of grip and movement in my hand resulting in numerous dropped jars. Sleep disorders come in . Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. A previous GP gave me inhalers because of the smog in Carlisle that and petrol fumes make me gag, yeurgh I live by the sea where the air is fresher now and don't have problems with that side of it anymore, only petrol stations. It originates from Ayurvedic Indian medicine. Mad I know, but I rarely do it. This means that whatever smells are in your urine will be more obvious to you than normal. Unusual Odor,Strange Smell in So Cal that no one else can smell, recurring smell once a year for a week or two, does anyone else smell this? It's like acquiring a new sensation you never had. It is super embarrassing, I have to wear pantyliners all the time. Fix it: This is harmless keep on caffeinating. I hope someone can get to the bottom of what is causing this for you. It started 3 weeks ago, I sneeze, smell the burnt wood, cough, my eyes water and I feel generally malaise. I have the smell problem to. Copyright 2013-2023 All rights reserved. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I found this thread months ago when I first had the burning plastic/burning wood/old mould/charcoaly petrol smell. Second, pregnancy also increases the sensitivity of your sense of smell. I too got a cold around 6 years ago and like you visited doctors etc and got given sprays etc but got nowhere. It's hard to know if the smell is really same for all the people who wrote here or there is a difference. I'm so glad that I found this post (it's why I signed up). I eat just so I do not go hungry. I don't smell the fancy perfume my wife wears either? Women are twice as likely to have fibromyalgia as men. Perhaps this is causing too much bacteria in my mouth but I have used this device in the past and that never happened. However, you can look it up yourself and talk with your doctor. Some fibromyalgia sufferers find that they have to urinate as frequently as every 20 minutes. They include: Although some triggers for fibromyalgia are beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to prevent flare ups. Hope it works for you as well. I am so over it, it only started about two mths. People will be very concerned and ask whats wrong they just saw me and I was fine a day or just an hour ago. I did not know MCS existed until now! We fell out about it and he threw a whole bottle on his fire. The smell is very hard to describe as it smells like nothing else, definately not a burning or over the last 2 days my pain levels have taken a nose dive and i am now experiencing some of the Fibro. Well, one more fibro symptom I have been having my entire life. Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. I smell it in the car too. I have the same reactions to smell since childhood. She run some tests and all came negative. Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. Im constantly moving if Im standing or I have to lean over on something. Urine that contains a lot of water and few waste products has little to no odor. I was too terrified to eat myself because of diarrhea. I cant control it. Elyse B. This might help a person with fibromyalgia find out how to better manage or avoid those triggers. The weirdest thing for me, when my eyes start tearing up and can't bear it any longer, i pull open my t-shirt, put my face in there and breath air from there and it vanishes within seconds, the Dr's are baffled too, but works for me. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. Starting 18 months ago I became aware of smells that did not correspond to anything in my immediate environment. Around two percent of the overall population of the United States suffers from fibromyalgia. I am sorry but I don't suffer with anything like this. But when i smelled cigarettes, it would make me urge and that was embarasing in publicall my wife could do was laugh..not unkindly, but the sound you make when that comes on un-controllable was funny i guess. The smell that bothers me most is cardboard box's and old fruit. If you are on facebook. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. Switched from 40 mg of paxil to 300 mg of welbutrin. When in a department store, I hold my breath and speed walk past the perfume department. It is essential that people with fibromyalgia get enough sleep. My poor intolerance to heat, odors and smoke. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. Privacy Trouble sleeping. I have 2 in the morning and 2 x Panadol Osteo at dinner time and am honestly 99% pain free the whole day and night now for almost 2 weeks. Stress makes symptoms of fibromyalgia worse. Ill often squeak or yelp when it happens because it hurts. Also, a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. Keep an eye on it. I really thought it was air-conditioning causing these strange symptomsI am at a loss! I hope you find the solution to your problem. Terms. Also I started wearing a sports device in my mouth to self-treat jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Tests to check for some of these conditions include urine and blood tests, although you may also have X-rays and other scans. I have the same problem, maybe it is psychological, I moved to a house that I am not so happy with and miss a lot of my friends etc. Triggers for fibromyalgia vary from person to person. My husband thought I was being funny. I recently returned both a tufted headboard and a leather armchair I bought. This is not surprising, as fibromyalgia is often described as being a state of hyperexcitability, or hypersensitivity. It can come on at any time and there are no houses around that have coal fires and there are no fires around either. I've been smelling a "singed" or an over-heated smell. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Strong chemical smells were emitted by the materials used. Today has been a day of complete no taste no smell for me. No snow here yet lol!! I'm glad/sorry to know I'm not alone and that I am indeed not crazy. I thought it would clear once the cough had cleared but it's still as intense, if not worse. Symptoms tend to occur in periods of flares. If urine becomes highly concentrated a high level of waste products with little water your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. Anyway, take care of yourself wherever in this wonderful planet you are. Have you got ongoing appointments with the ENT specialist? And like thats not bad enough, I have random bladder cramps. I often felt anxious and quite woozy. worth a whirl, you could use lavender, or lemon both cleansing oils/scents. I look up for this information and this is the first site I came across as two years ago Oct 2014 I had this experience for the first time but fortunately it went away after a month or so. Like just suddenly and out of nowhere, my bladder cramps and I have to go immediately. I constantly smell this strange odor. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It sounds really awful though. I have set up this facebook page specific for this issue. Fibro fog takes the cake for me. Click here to join our fibro community and connect with people who get it. Fibro fog is the worst! Yesterday we had 39 celcius, i smelled it once or twice for a short time, however, the day before, 41 degrees celcius [The English Barmy Army got sun burnt at the WACA Cricket ground badly lol], it too wasn't that bad? The Fibromyalgia group had an average score of 29.3 +/- 5.4, while the SSc group had an average score of 32.1 +/- 4.2. Im constantly moving if Im standing or I have to lean over on something. It is still there. Rheumatic diseases affect the bones, muscles, and joints. People with MCS have reactions to chemicals, not smells. Basically, my strange smell sensation started about 6-7 months ago just after i left a company for being bullied at work. It is because of these overlapping symptoms that fibromyalgia came to be categorized as a syndrome rather than a disease. Fibro fog takes the cake for me. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects the muscles, soft tissues and joints. After 8 months living in my car I am getting it in control but just my coat has enough inside it to start it all over again for weeks even after being washed. No! My work had wooden beams running through and at one point I thought it was the wood. Mold and fungus Ian the cause of smelling chemicals and amnia ,bleach ,methanol ,fumes ,pretos like formaldehyde smell and so on .It is aused also by bacteria.Your body is composed by good bacteria but when bad bacteria turns in and when you have an accumulation of solvents and chemicals in your body these onco-bactrias and fungus attached itself to the damaged tissue and make a room inside your switched off cells growing and reproducing like crazy ,it necessary doesn't cause cancer in short therm but in long terms causes cancer ,Alzheimer's and all chronic disease existent .Chemicals itself doesn't cause cancer it actually damages your immune system making it weak and unable to find infections and inflammation ,it also causes your tissues to die so patgens can infect the area and reproduce ,all diseases has an infection behind it ,cancer is an infection caused by various patgens which accumulates in dead cells and necrosed tissues .I cured my terrible nose smell after 3 years of hell and I can guarantee you it is caus d by fungus ,mold and bacteria . I am having the same problem except everything I smell is Rancid. I can smell it when I start thinking of it. I live in Arizona where valley fever us very common . This is going to show my 'flaky' side but I sort of thought that maybe I was being visited by my grandfather's spirit (who smoked like a chimney). I will talk to my drs. This past Thanksgiving I had to sit and watch everyone eat. It works! The random back spasms that leave me unable to walk while in the middle of a store. I used to ban my son from bringing Lynx into the house as my mouth and nostrils would just 'ping' and feel as though they were on fire. She started describing her symptoms: weird odors that no one else could smell (like burning plastic, ashes) and difficulty breathing when lying down. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. lotion, oil, candy, baked goods, everything is Rancid. Many of those who drink Kombucha Tea say that the tea has improved their Fibromyalgia problems. And I am getting sinoplasty on the state to fix that (breaking open the right sinus passage so I can breathe properly). Other people detected some slight odor from these, but I was affected more strongly. Who knows? Have you checked out this problem from a dental health perspective? More information 7 Reasons Your Urine Smells Funny More like this Fibromyalgia Syndrome Fibromyalgia Pain Chronic Migraines With me things don't taste like they should either. Activities that may help people with fibromyalgia include walking, biking, swimming, and water aerobics. saw my ENT who pushed a scope into my nasal passages and said he saw nothing irregular. I think because I grew up with 4 chain smokers who rolled their own I've always had an intense dislike for it. Psychotherapy can also help someone with fibromyalgia help understand and deal with their thoughts and feelings. I hate this smell. These signals don't come in words; they come in the form of organic molecules and complex interplays between them. I don't excercise, i watch my sugar and saturated fats intake, i am overweight but not obese [under 100 kg at 5'8" tall]. Fibromyalgia also causes sleep problems, fatigue, and emotional and mental distress. One time I kept saying potatoes instead of donuts. The problem was that it was progressing every month. I am "healthy", sporty, talk a lot, write a lot. When its in one spot, people sometimes think I have a hickey. While regular physical activity is recommended to help manage fibromyalgia symptoms, it is crucial to limit overexertion and not to do too much. The smell is affected because your body is expelling chemicals into your urine. Coincidentally, the same scan found that my left sinus is almost completely blocked - and has been since I was a teenager - which I kinda realised but always felt too silly to mention. I just couldn't breathe through my nose and was getting worse. Its gotten worse and Ive fallen over when I should have been able to save myself the one outside a friends house into her flower bed was the worst as she was shocked (doesnt really know what I have). Lisa B. Therefore, even though the most common symptoms are pain and fatigue in muscles and tendons, often it is seen that those suffering from fibromyalgia will have other associated conditions and symptoms. This symptom causes you to feel as if you have to urinate constantly, and can result in you having to visit the washroom several times a day. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. I had an exray of my lungs and they said it looked like cronic pulmanary lung disease. This sounds really unpleasant for you. Hi. Wow. The woman in the picture looks exactly like I feel when Im having a reaction to a chemical odor. Learn more about the best exercises for fibromyalgia here, Learn more about the importance of sleep in our dedicated hub, Learn more about which foods to limit or prioritize to manage fibromyalgia here, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5693231/, https://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/fibromyalgia.htm, https://www.rheumatology.org/I-Am-A/Patient-Caregiver/Diseases-Conditions/Fibromyalgia, https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/fibromyalgia, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fibromyalgia/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551285, https://academic.oup.com/painmedicine/article/17/3/463/1888231. I will be back here by the week to check for progress just in case so that I can finally mail my Ma' the link to this thread and get her to believe that I ain't making things up to skip school ( sure skipping school is great but not over a bad smell. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Really awkward to be certain places and be coughing and sniffling. Done so much searching on line as I am fed up with this. Could be looking right at something and not be able to recall what its called. I also smell wood stove Smoke and taste it. Ever since I moved to my condo I have have had lung issues. Learn how pain can be affected by reactions to light, sound, or smell. The National Academy of Sciences estimates that up to 15 percent of the U.S. population is affected. Please join us on facebook.. there are about 20 other people suffering from same issue. I sought an eye test too a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find anything unusual, they found nothing, an earlier MRI found nothing too. Click here to subscribe to the Fibromyalgia News Today Newsletter! When shopping for a mattress, it should provide a comfortable sleeping surface that is not, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Fibro symptom I have set up this facebook page specific for this issue gp.ent.neurologist.. 'cant find anything wrong 'poss. Had this problem from time to time be causing that stinky pee, and Dehydration can all affect smell... Pain levels, couldn & # x27 ; s what could be causing stinky... About everything I got it after I was fine a day or just an hour ago today has been out. Breathe properly ) that there are no houses around that have coal fires there. Obvious to you than normal even if I can get to the fibromyalgia group an. Parks with friends sports device in the car both a tufted headboard and a leather armchair bought. 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